SSSC Auto Creeper Communal thread

a lot of changes from tue i posted this in my thread any tips are welcome .....................................
having a few problems with my big back girl and i need help with a diagnosis i seem to get this a lot late on in flower with the sunlight shes on the autopot res same as the other 2 and the problem is getting her out to give her a flush if needed is going to be a nightmare also when i first saw slight tip burn last week i lowered the food and i think i may of misdiagnosed her as I'm unsure if its because shes maybe a little bit close to the light as i cant higher it anymore and I've supercropped her so many times .also her food is emerald harvest after the tip burn i lowered it to a 1.5 ec from 1.7 and i also stopped extra calmag when starting flower feed .one last thing its only top leaves and shes still fattening up i just wanna stop any more damage and heres a few tags @Waira @Trichome farmer @arty zan @Mañ'O'Green @bushmasterar15






a lot of changes from tue i posted this in my thread any tips are welcome .....................................
having a few problems with my big back girl and i need help with a diagnosis i seem to get this a lot late on in flower with the sunlight shes on the autopot res same as the other 2 and the problem is getting her out to give her a flush if needed is going to be a nightmare also when i first saw slight tip burn last week i lowered the food and i think i may of misdiagnosed her as I'm unsure if its because shes maybe a little bit close to the light as i cant higher it anymore and I've supercropped her so many times .also her food is emerald harvest after the tip burn i lowered it to a 1.5 ec from 1.7 and i also stopped extra calmag when starting flower feed .one last thing its only top leaves and shes still fattening up i just wanna stop any more damage and heres a few tags @Waira @Trichome farmer @arty zan @Mañ'O'Green @bushmasterar15






The problem seems to be affecting the plant on the Left (the plant that is further ahead in bud formation).
Tip burn from the feed being a bit hot, scorching leaf tips, which is then further exacerbated by being close to the light, drying out the already scorched tipt.
Leaf serrations are pointing upward, which shows an over abundance of light (you may remember me calling these crocodile teeth).
I don't see any light scorching but you could be on the cusp of it!
I scorched some of my leaves with my LED recently and had to move the light up!
Waira knows his onions and may shed more light on the subject.
The crop on the left is further ahead in finishing and maybe you are getting some fade but those pistils haven't started turning yet!
That's the thing with Sativas, long flowering times and some buds can ripen before others!
Being such huge plants, there is little you can do, you can't move the light up anymore.
You have already super cropped them a few times and by now it is probably pretty woody
So some bits of the plant may get affected by close proximity to the light, what can you do.
Come harvest time a vast majority of buds will be perfect and you may have a small percentage which have been affected.
In a situation like this, you will have so much good bud, that it doesn't matter if you use what has been affected in cooking etc (if you don't like Smoking ugly bud that is)!
Maybe in the future some enterprising person will make a a tent aimed at growing Sativas and add on an extra 50 cm's to the height.
Other than that, OMG and flipping wow!!!! That room is looking amazing!
The problem seems to be affecting the plant on the Left (the plant that is further ahead in bud formation).
Tip burn from the feed being a bit hot, scorching leaf tips, which is then further exacerbated by being close to the light, drying out the already scorched tipt.
Leaf serrations are pointing upward, which shows an over abundance of light (you may remember me calling these crocodile teeth).
I don't see any light scorching but you could be on the cusp of it!
I scorched some of my leaves with my LED recently and had to move the light up!
Waira knows his onions and may shed more light on the subject.
The crop on the left is further ahead in finishing and maybe you are getting some fade but those pistils haven't started turning yet!
That's the thing with Sativas, long flowering times and some buds can ripen before others!
Being such huge plants, there is little you can do, you can't move the light up anymore.
You have already super cropped them a few times and by now it is probably pretty woody
So some bits of the plant may get affected by close proximity to the light, what can you do.
Come harvest time a vast majority of buds will be perfect and you may have a small percentage which have been affected.
In a situation like this, you will have so much good bud, that it doesn't matter if you use what has been affected in cooking etc (if you don't like Smoking ugly bud that is)!
Maybe in the future some enterprising person will make a a tent aimed at growing Sativas and add on an extra 50 cm's to the height.
Other than that, OMG and flipping wow!!!! That room is looking amazing!
do you think the tip burn was for overfeeding as soon as i lowered the food they started losing colour badly and i recon the big left-hand side will be finished in maybe 2 weeks and thanks for the tips
Tip burn, plant coming to the end of its life and close proximity to light! All possible contenders.
I don't think there is much to worry about, there is not a lot you can do at this late stage.
To see some fade a couple of week before finish is just how it goes but it may be slightly advanced by other environmental factors you mentioned!
The thing I like about you Tom, is you pay attention to your grows and how you grow.
Sometimes things which are mostly unrelated can happen at the same time, which means there will be more than one reason for things happening!
With my current grow, there are things I wish I had done weeks ago, hindsight is 20/20!
For all the if' and buts I think about it doesn't make a world of difference, at the end I still get a good crop.
Every grow, makes you a better grower, now you have more experience growing Sativas.
A lot of people and I include myself in that number just grow hybrids and Indcas, so in general there are less people who can advise you on growing Sativas.
All your grows are impressive, trust your instincts you are a good grower, all those years of tending your garden has taught you a lot!
:smokeout:- Tom, I'm with RT-Z here,... I'd say it's a combo of the feeds, light proximity and localized/tops VPD maybe as well,... nowt to do save maybe the flush to purge out the potential build-up,... some of it is K tox I think, from the teeth tips burning,.. color loss, chalk that up to light stress/maybe minor micro' defc,...
This girl is clearly faster, more "auto"-like, but still may have that occasionally bitchy Sativa nute touchiness....
So, some fugly fans matter not, buds look on-point and I bet she's done in 10-14, certainly a faster ripening pheno'!
Mind that flush for pH and ppm coming out so see if that's part of the issue,... Coco-nut @arty zan can verify this likely, the flush solution should be RO/Di/low ppm water, 150ppm Ca-Mg, plus 150ppm nutes, pH 6.0... pour through until r-o is at or near input values...

>>> update :biggrin:

:smokeout:- Tom, I'm with RT-Z here,... I'd say it's a combo of the feeds, light proximity and localized/tops VPD maybe as well,... nowt to do save maybe the flush to purge out the potential build-up,... some of it is K tox I think, from the teeth tips burning,.. color loss, chalk that up to light stress/maybe minor micro' defc,...
This girl is clearly faster, more "auto"-like, but still may have that occasionally bitchy Sativa nute touchiness....
So, some fugly fans matter not, buds look on-point and I bet she's done in 10-14, certainly a faster ripening pheno'!
Mind that flush for pH and ppm coming out so see if that's part of the issue,... Coco-nut @arty zan can verify this likely, the flush solution should be RO/Di/low ppm water, 150ppm Ca-Mg, plus 150ppm nutes, pH 6.0... pour through until r-o is at or near input values...

>>> update :biggrin:

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With coco I never measure run off, never have!
I personally recommended To calibrate meters regularly for correct PH and EC levels..
Then I always allow 30% run off that should take care of any possible salt build up.
I always feed Cal/Mag in coco especially so with LED lights.
I'm not sure but I am thinking Tom is using auto pots, which makes run off a moot point.
I remember recently @St. Tom had PH imbalance (rising PH) when using an airstone in the rez with Emerald Harvest nutes. This may have caused lock out, I know it was going above PH 6.
If PH was going over 6.5PH then Manganese, Boron and Phosphorus could have been locked out.
Now Waira my old fruit, do you remember the conversation we had recently and why EC is universal??:hump:
When giving PPM values, you need to provide which scale it is you are quoting!!
(You have my permission to call me a dick etc but the point is pertinent and needs addressing - oh my what a pedant I am):rofl:
But you are right in using a low salt solution to flush with, as the ions in flush solution help drag out the salts in the coco, plain water isn't as good because there is less to bind too.
In the end I am on the same page, flower will finish 14 daysish, not much to be done, a great harvest will be had and any funny coloured leaves will end up in the trim bag. Once they are gone you will forget they ever existed and you will just have a nice big jar of buds!
:smokeout:- Tom, I'm with RT-Z here,... I'd say it's a combo of the feeds, light proximity and localized/tops VPD maybe as well,... nowt to do save maybe the flush to purge out the potential build-up,... some of it is K tox I think, from the teeth tips burning,.. color loss, chalk that up to light stress/maybe minor micro' defc,...
This girl is clearly faster, more "auto"-like, but still may have that occasionally bitchy Sativa nute touchiness....
So, some fugly fans matter not, buds look on-point and I bet she's done in 10-14, certainly a faster ripening pheno'!
Mind that flush for pH and ppm coming out so see if that's part of the issue,... Coco-nut @arty zan can verify this likely, the flush solution should be RO/Di/low ppm water, 150ppm Ca-Mg, plus 150ppm nutes, pH 6.0... pour through until r-o is at or near input values...

>>> update :biggrin:

View attachment 1194477View attachment 1194478
my plan is to just push on with her and maybe stop or half the mammoth p till shes cooked and i love you guys :pass: :smoking: also i will add more pics in a few days keep as posted
With coco I never measure run off, never have!
I personally recommended To calibrate meters regularly for correct PH and EC levels..
Then I always allow 30% run off that should take care of any possible salt build up.
I always feed Cal/Mag in coco especially so with LED lights.
I'm not sure but I am thinking Tom is using auto pots, which makes run off a moot point.
I remember recently @St. Tom had PH imbalance (rising PH) when using an airstone in the rez with Emerald Harvest nutes. This may have caused lock out, I know it was going above PH 6.
If PH was going over 6.5PH then Manganese, Boron and Phosphorus could have been locked out.
Now Waira my old fruit, do you remember the conversation we had recently and why EC is universal??:hump:
When giving PPM values, you need to provide which scale it is you are quoting!!
(You have my permission to call me a dick etc but the point is pertinent and needs addressing - oh my what a pedant I am):rofl:
But you are right in using a low salt solution to flush with, as the ions in flush solution help drag out the salts in the coco, plain water isn't as good because there is less to bind too.
In the end I am on the same page, flower will finish 14 daysish, not much to be done, a great harvest will be had and any funny coloured leaves will end up in the trim bag. Once they are gone you will forget they ever existed and you will just have a nice big jar of buds!
thanks, arty since tossing the pumps no ph rises at all and i calibrate all my meters weekly or every 2 at a push as i even bought a bluelab ec combi to make sure i was on top of it anyhow my plan is as i added a little more calmag after my res change in 2 days I'm going to go lightish on her feed with a little extra calmag and half the mammoth p as i feel I'm still in a great place well you all reassured me .and about the ec meters i try telling everyone who will listen to use ec as some meter that do ppm are times by 7 and another is 5 and tds i think but i see your point ec is the same whatever meter or wand you use and i cant thank you all enough
my plan is to just push on with her and maybe stop or half the mammoth p till shes cooked and i love you guys :pass: :smoking: also i will add more pics in a few days keep as posted

thanks, arty since tossing the pumps no ph rises at all and i calibrate all my meters weekly or every 2 at a push as i even bought a bluelab ec combi to make sure i was on top of it anyhow my plan is as i added a little more calmag after my res change in 2 days I'm going to go lightish on her feed with a little extra calmag and half the mammoth p as i feel I'm still in a great place well you all reassured me .and about the ec meters i try telling everyone who will listen to use ec as some meter that do ppm are times by 7 and another is 5 and tds i think but i see your point ec is the same whatever meter or wand you use and i cant thank you all enough
Your doing a proper fine job Tom!
Now that you have corrected the PH swing issue I reckon you should be golden, keep pushing on, harvest will soon be in the bag!