Live Stoners Australian Growers Thread

@organic Thanks for the welcome organic - good to met you as well. Is good to be back on the forum to say Gday to old mates like @Rebel @stunted (you still here mate? ) and others and to meet those who've joined since I've been inactive. Health has been up and down - as the name suggests Im legally blind due to glaucoma and a shit load of other probs with a crap load of surgeries since 2010 that have caused more probs. Stupid thing is that the government approved treatments have caused more probs and blindness while canna which helps is of course illegal. Its made growing over the last few years difficult so glad to have the tent up and running again. I had an awesome seed/strain collection but none seem to want to germinate anymore so hence the random seed. Ill have to start building up the seedbank again as time goes.

Looking forward to keeping an eye on your grows too mate.

Have a good one!

@thegavfrog Welcome aboard mate.

Looks like a nice set up. For advice etc might be worth starting a thread in the new growers forum or similar - Im sure there'll be folks happy to help as best they can


My pleasure mate, thank you for sharing your story aswell. I respect your grind brother!.. have you ventured into oils and concentrates yet? They may be a great option considering the severity of your issues.. I'll be happy to help you with any questions aswell, I know my way round the canna kitchen.
Hey guys I’m new here and am having a hard time, I’m trying to get some feedback on my setup as I’ve never really flowered before inside and have never grown in a hydro setup like the 4 pot system I just purchased, also new to autos, I run 2x 315w CMH in a 1.2x2x2.4 tent

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Thegavfrog welcome aboard mate, looks like some nice kit and the plants are green to me but check out the auto cultivation discussion section for everything you need to know about growing one and if you have any questions just ask! Familiarising yourself with the different sections will help to find the info and examples your looking for.

See you round mate!
Cheers Organic.
Havent been able to do much in the way of oils/concentrates (except for some dry sieve and bubble hash from trim in the past) as its hard to grow enough and also hard to properly do the procedures of more technical extraction due to site. It is a pity as whilst smoke helps with glaucoma I also have major retina issues which CBDs may help so it would be great to be able to try properly.

I'll definetly take some advice in the kitchen department once I harvest again (the shite Im getting at the moment is too expensive for cooking) so thanks for that.
Cheers Organic.
Havent been able to do much in the way of oils/concentrates (except for some dry sieve and bubble hash from trim in the past) as its hard to grow enough and also hard to properly do the procedures of more technical extraction due to site. It is a pity as whilst smoke helps with glaucoma I also have major retina issues which CBDs may help so it would be great to be able to try properly.

I'll definetly take some advice in the kitchen department once I harvest again (the shite Im getting at the moment is too expensive for cooking) so thanks for that.

Hmm that's a bummer man.. Not to worry,
cannabis infused coconut oil is probably the most simple and safe way to make highly effective medicinal product. It's like making old school canna butter minus the water.. no need to get into instructions yet if theirs no material.

On that note, if a nice harvest is needed assp I'd be looking at autos for sure, mind me if you've already said so but do you have access to any auto seed?
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Thegavfrog welcome aboard mate, looks like some nice kit and the plants are green to me but check out the auto cultivation discussion section for everything you need to know about growing one and if you have any questions just ask! Familiarising yourself with the different sections will help to find the info and examples your looking for.

See you round mate!

Thanks mate and will do, just a quick up-date for those of you who don’t know, I’m in Australia, and I have to produce my medicine illegally.

23 years ago when I was at work I got hit by a freight train in a car at a level crossing, I was pushed down the track 150m and the whole car collapsed around me and a gas bottle, the cow catcher came through the passenger side and opened me up pretty good. These days I’m suffering from a lot of nerve damage, being involved in dirt bikes has been funky as well, broken back, leg, almost had leg amputated from knee down and is mainly steel now, so I gotta say after years off the pills I now only have one medication, I’ve gone totally green, I make different types of ways to consume etc!
Ok to the point, I have been growing for nearly 30yrs on and off outside and am needing to have a bit more variety and regularity about my medicine, so indoor is the go at the moment in OZ

Big changes ahead. So I have had a bit of a look around and I need another indoor growing space! I have 17 autos between seed and second week of flowering. I have had 100% germination, so I have 4 photo strains that I am going to put in the 4 pot system veg and scrog like the other side of the tent. Buddha Taho og Cush, pineapple chunk from Barney’s farm, orange bud from Dutch passion blimburn critical.[/IMG]

Just put the last pic in cos I like it, yesterday’s sunset [emoji106]

I have a 400w hps light and this steel cupboard, I am going to have to gut it, waterproof it and insulate it before I even start to put stuff in it, the cupboard measures, 1200mm deep x 1200mm wide and 1800mm heigh, I want to finish off a few autos and keep a few mums alive what do u guys reckon ? Shout out
[/USER] @912GreenSkells @redeye jedi

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I don't think I have any viable auto seeds at the moment. Have got some from years past but none of my old seeds want to germ (have tried over 100 autos and photo seeds with only the 2 photos I have in the tent atm popping up). Ive taken a few cuttings of them before flipping into flower a few days ago so hopefully will start harvesting in 8/9 weeks.
Ill most likely do an order with Attitude next month when they have there monthly promo and get some new stock so will try and get a mix of photos/autos. Not sure if Ill run the autos inside though as the tent is in bedroom which gets a bit noisy so is much better to have some 12/12 time rather than always 18 plus hours. I'll definetly run a few autos outside over spring/summer.

Any recommendations for your fave autos? Im sure many have been released since I last got seed. Im open to all strains as far as indica/sativa goes but definetly like ease of grow, quickness of grow and a good yield (don't we all!
As for the photos - Im thinking of some Cali Connection Alien OG - wanted to grow both Alien Tech and Tahoe OG for a while so a cross of the two should tick both boxes.