Live Stoners Australian Growers Thread

Hi @John Snow, unless I missed something, that's a pretty random post you made there ;)

I tend to harvest my Autos around the 100 day mark, I never go out of my way to keep the K super low..... I was on an NPK of 12.5 - 2.1 - 6.6 in weeks 2-4,
5.2 - 2.3 - 7.0 in weeks 4-7, and 3.8 - 21.2 - 12.9 in late flowering..... all reasonably high K levels on a grow where the plants hit the roof of my 2m high tent...... 2 Autoultimates harvested at 116 and 121 days, giving me just under 40 Ounces (!).

I use House and Garden nutes (Coco), the NPK 4-3-9 makes it hard to keep K levels down anyway.
What I have noticed is that early flowers show around the day 28 mark, and instead of going into pure bloom, veg and bloom happen together for a bit longer.

Something else I've noticed is that stressing Autos around week 3-4 (by defoliation or repotting, or staking out etc) and again a couple of weeks later, makes them go on a bit longer..... flowering slows a bit but vegging continues for 5 or so days, making the plant get bigger, then flowering speeds up again. Its like pressing pause on flowering, you still get the full amount of flowering time, but you've just moved it along the time scale (d'ya get me?)
Sorry, I'm really hammered so I'll stop yabbering.
What (and roughly where) you growing Bro?
you can keep your autoflower in veg for up to 70 days and harvest at 100+ even if it says seed to harvest in 55-70 days.

- no nutrient soil + perlite + chicken manure compost (1.1 - 0.8 - 0.5)
- yates thrive solulable nutrient (25 - 5 - 9) + Seasol (seaweed n hormone stuff)

you can make autos veg for longer just by keeping the K (potassium) super low during seedling and veg stage
Saying it and SHOWING it are two different things. We are a fact based site and if you can prove it, by throwing up a journal and show the work, we will publish it!!
That was an awesome rebuttle Teetee,

John Snow must start a thread and show us proof of this method for anyone to buy into it.

No? or Yes?

Why a rebuttal. Why create division. Why even comment and to "impung" with glee. Why get stroked out. Fairly--obvious he is pulling your leg. Lighten up Frances.
Seems afn bosses unable to see ironic humor for what it is. I get it--Snow.

Everyone knows including Snow that no K is big time Aussie burn. No stable autoflower plant can go 70 days without flowering, unless, one limits light for photosynthesis is required to process nutrients. See the irony before jumping the gun.

When a fish stinks it stinks. When a comment is so bizarre on a dedicated Aussie thread it is humor from--down under.

In fact--out of Aussie land we had the new cannabis specie discovery a few years ago--humor. One must understand culture and consequent humor.
The Duck Foot from Australia and on and on.

Lighten up afn bosses.
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@TeaTea I am one of the AFN Bosses who needs to lighten up as you say, and if anyone here is up for a bit of sarcasm or out of whack giggles, it is me. But, I gotta say, IF and I say IF this is a prank post, I fear for the Aussie sense of humor !
I don't see many giggles. When a fish stinks..............I frickin eat it ! nom nom nom Does this really pass for laughs down under, cuz if it does, you need to re-educate me chum, I/we just are bereft of the culture you describe.
My friend, I am not trying to "have a go at you", just don't get it............eP
Hey @TeaTea (nice name by the way)
wasn't a rebuttal, just my observations, I was actually agreeing about 100+ day harvests.
I'm in Aus, love the place, people and the humour, but John Snow wasn't joking..... was he??
Must be from south of the border , strange mob that lot .
`Bugger .....I am confused ...there is TeeTee and there is much a coincidence for me. I smell a rat a tat plonka is being pulled......about time too.........eP.