Live Stoners Australian Growers Thread

Do you guys have any advice for spider mites?

I don't have a large infestation, as they appear to only be on the leaves at the top of my first grow (first 2-3 inches). I've been diligently squashing them with a cotton bud three to four times a day for the past week. I've washed the grow space with a mild bleach solution. I haven't yet used any chemicals on the plant although I've read that neem oil works as does pyrethrum. I'll probably look to harvest this particular plant on Saturday. Is the plant kaput? There were only two mites that I could see all day today but I'm sure there must be more hiding out of sight.

Thanks. @missoss I have had great success with this product on spider mites and nats . It is a fogger , you have to be careful you do not spray to much on the leaves , but as it is a very fine mist just spray around the base of the pots , you don't need a lot .
Do you guys have any advice for spider mites?

I don't have a large infestation, as they appear to only be on the leaves at the top of my first grow (first 2-3 inches). I've been diligently squashing them with a cotton bud three to four times a day for the past week. I've washed the grow space with a mild bleach solution. I haven't yet used any chemicals on the plant although I've read that neem oil works as does pyrethrum. I'll probably look to harvest this particular plant on Saturday. Is the plant kaput? There were only two mites that I could see all day today but I'm sure there must be more hiding out of sight.


At this stage of the grow there is not much you can do with out poisoning your buds.

You haven't mentioned their webbing so it can't be to bad an infestation.

It sounds like your on top of the situation. With only a week to go keep squashing them.

After harvest nuke the fuck out of your grow space every week for a month to kill any stragglers and any eggs that haven't hatched. I just use a broad based insect sprays from the supermarket.
At this stage of the grow there is not much you can do with out poisoning your buds.

You haven't mentioned their webbing so it can't be to bad an infestation.

It sounds like your on top of the situation. With only a week to go keep squashing them.

After harvest nuke the fuck out of your grow space every week for a month to kill any stragglers and any eggs that haven't hatched. I just use a broad based insect sprays from the supermarket.
Hi @4tokin,

Yeah I haven't found a single web yet and I've been checking the plant thoroughly from top to bottom. After @hecno recommended a treatment that had pyrethrins in it I decided to use the Yates Pyrethrum spray that I already had for my herb garden. Sprayed a lite mist last night and this morning. I haven't managed to find any mites today. I'll keep checking though. The pyrethrum spray breaks down in the sun apparently and I've never had a problem with it in the past so we'll see what happens.
Hey Everyone!
Starting a new grow! Will be creating a thread as soon as seeds germ.
I will be running 2 purple kush auto from seedsman and 2 white widow auto from seedsman in, what I am told is the 1 and only Current Culture 4 pot system in Australia! Yyeeewwwww!
So lets have some fun with the new gear!
Will update as soon as I, um, put this fucking million piece thing together..... peace!
Grow update:
This is my Delicious Seeds Critical Neville Haze which has just gone 4 weeks/28 days. I've decided to LST this plant because the height of my grow box is limited and I don't want to burn the top of the plant. I haven't had that problem with my first plant, however can always lower my light, but I can only raise it so far. I've read Critical Neville Haze grow taller than my first grow, so I thought I'd get ahead of the problem before it arrives. The adjusted PH of the soil is 6.1. Started at 6.7 (I said 6.6 in an earlier post in this thread but that wasn't adjusted) so I'll keep watching it and hope it doesn't become an issue. Height is 31 centimetres which I'm pretty happy about considering the amount of bend she has in her stem which you'll see below.

It looks like the plant is falling out of the pot but the top is coming back to the other side.


Its got a pretty severe bend but it is really solid in the soil and the dental floss I'm using is holding up really well, and it doesn't seem to be too harsh on the stem.


For some reason two leaves at the bottom have shrivelled and dried out. It has been hot today but it was watered and fed on Monday and the soil was not dry today. I gave it another water this afternoon.


This is my first grow, a Sweet Seeds Red Poison, that will be harvested on Saturday. She's 74cm tall and the trichomes are cloudy with one or two still clear. I couldn't find any amber ones, so I'm not sure if there aren't any, or these trichomes won't turn amber. This plant has gone thorough some serious PH issues which were documented earlier in this thread but it smells amazing and it seems to be doing fine considering its challenging existence.


This is where the plants sleep. The flap on the lefthand side is where I've made a hole and placed a fan I got from Epping Hydro. Works beautifully, temps haven't gotten over 30 degrees inside the box even though we've had some really hot weather here.


Here you can obviously see the Mars Hydro Reflector 48 lowered into place. I've got both the veg and bloom lights on because I read that, even though the bloom spectrum isn't perfect for veg growth, it means more wattage which is more important.


The grow box is made from a roll of foil insulation I had laying around. It's crude, but it is perfect for my current conditions. I've got a more powerful light coming which I'll put in a grow tent I've also ordered now that I'm hooked on growing these fucking plants.

Thanks guys.
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