Mephisto Genetics Atulip Sprouts Mephisto - Organic - LED

It's just a basic 4'x8' wood frame(2"x6") with 5'x10' pond liner and filled with perlite(or pumice, lava rocks, etc) then it can hold water. The pots sit on top of the perlite and since they're fabric pots, water can transfer through and wick up into the soil. This just allows the soil to maintain the proper moisture level.

You may have seen it before outdoors, as an RGGS system, same concept but enclosed in PVC pipes for outdoor gardens.

And the science behind wicking. (Got me reading Wikipedia instead of working lol)
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Great answer! That watering method certainly would work with an organic soil mix and a perpetual grow. Nice way to save yourself some time and work each day. :headbang:
24 Carat (Day 67) Checked trichromes today, spotted a few Amber, maybe 5%. Stripped most fan leaves to let the lowers mature up a bit more, aiming to harvest at the end of the week, no rush for space... yet. :)




Flowering side.

And I finally broke down and bought a better scale. I been using these $30 AWS(2 broken in the last year), found an old, used Ohaus Adventurer on eBay, $120, so if it lasts me a couple years then it pays for itself over these cheap ones.

Skylar White (Day 42) some tall suckers here. Biggest one is 40"+, and these were all topped pretty early. I'd hate to see how big they'd be on their own. :)



Structure looks great. Looks like some good penetration in these canopies. The one huge one needs a couple shoots removed, but man I don't wanna touch a monster like her lol.
Walter Whites and 24 Carats

24 Carats (Day 11, 4, 0)
are some champion seedlings. Looking great directly in the Coots mix so that's where they're going again this week. :) I'm thinking some SODK for the next couple weeks then I'll see what I've got left. Up to 42 plants in here now(counting seedlings). Looks like we'll probably be able to maintain 44-48 in total.

Walter White (Day 32 ) 11 days after topping. Couple have been looking wrinkly and ugly like the last Walters I grew ( I attributed this to n tox last time) maybe the soil is too hot for them? One ugly in Coots regular strength soil, one in BAS blend regular strength. The other 2 in the same mix look better, but showing like n tox as well.(the claw) I may need a weaker soil for the Walters in the future. Though they were some slow seedlings as well.

Walter White (Day 25) topped a few days ago. The mutated Walters probably shouldn't have been topped. God they're ugly. One ugly in BAS, one ugly in Coots. The other 2 look healthy(and signs of n tox) probably not gonna get any better when they hit the GBD mix if regular Coots soil is too hot for them lol. Never seen it burn anything before.


And the flowering 24 Carats, glistening under the white cobs.

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Awesome stuff man.... soooooo much frosty mephisto greatness.....

What do you do with all of your trim and lower buds?