Indoor Atrain's quest to be a Terrestrial Bean Man : Cheesus Dragon

Day 33 or so.

Steady conditions. Feed will be raised to 1.5ml/L grow / micro / bloom and 2ml/L B52. And approx 1ml/L cal mag plus
Both girls are @ 12 inches tall now.

@GoAuto6 what is the average lifespan on the cheesus?

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Thanks tag... I was thinking they are a little short. I think I may have stunted them a bit with too much water while I was out of town but there looking better now.
Hey, look like they are doing great. That heat stress dont look serious, as the plants still look very happy. Your doing really good my friend.
And I'm still trying to wrap my head around the leaf taco.... my temp doesn't get over 77 and there 20 inches away from light with a fan on them
I keep my LEDS at about 12--14" but they don't give off the heat like yours. But my tent has settled out at a night time temp of 78 and a daytime at 82 or 83, but our days have been in the mid 90s.. My plants have acclimated to this temp range and don't seem to be affected by it. I keep a fan on in the tent and have fully opened 2 of the inlet screened vents to allow more air in.
As long as they continue upward growth, and the foliage looks healthy, let em run.
My hood is air cooled and the hot exhaust air is plumbed into a closet in a room next to my tent setup all intake air comes in from the hallway in my basement next to the air unit my lights on highs run 77 and lows lights off 68 or 69. When the problem arose I analyzed my practices and made a few small revisions to my plan but I'm Def just along for the ride right now.