Dutch Passion A-train's Dutch Passion Auto Ultimate x2

Curing is going good too my friend. Burping once a day. Still haven't got my hygrometer but will before I harvest everything in a week. Got a little over 100 grams dry from the first and smallest one, pretty excited to see what these hold. Even got some half gallon jars now to use lol
Yes I didn't expect to weigh out and have to change my boxers lol. And every snow is so great knowing I did it all. Can't wait to see how things go in the future. What you got next on your list bud?
I'm running the test for short stuff seeds atm... Himalaya Blue Diesel / Himalaya Orange diesel / and Dr. Feelgood

When they finish I have an epic grow battle with @Fairlynew , we will be growing 4 "White-N-Bubbly" each...
Are you just documenting under the short stuff testers thread or do you have your own for those?