Alas, poor humility! I knew him, Tina; a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy; he hath borne me on his back a thousand times; and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is! My gorge rises at it. Here hung those lips that I have kissed I know not how oft. Where be your gibes now? Your gambols? Your songs? Your flashes of merriment, that were wont to set the table on a roar?
Alright. I admit. This has more of a learning curve than initially expected.

I stunted the piss out of them. I thought I had the light far enough away. I've been messaging a few people about it; it wasn't far away enough lol.... whooooops!
I've moved it up since, it's about 36 inches to the top of the pots and about 30 inches to the top of the tallest plant. Still above Mars recommendation for vertical distance, but I think I'm going to try raising it up to around the 40 inch mark (on a recommendation) to see if I can promote more stretch.
I've been running 24/0 on this grow, something I've tried only once one other time and honestly not sure if that was a wise decision. Not necessarily because of the light schedule itself, but because it's a big variable I changed that I'm not used to.
Also, those fabric pots? Holy CRAP do those dry out FAST. I've been underwatering. I'm almost positive. I haven't let them get to the tell-tale leaf droop but I do feel like I could have been getting feeds in a day or two sooner than I had been allowing myself. Another note for the next grow!
Still been absolutely loving the temperature in the tent though; that LED is miles apart from the HPS in terms of heat generation!
Here are the Sour Bubblin' Crack (4 out of 4.)
The first:
The second:
The third, which in one day decided to grow like 2 inches. In all her stunted glory. Siiiiigh.
I can't kill her. She was never destined to live. But I couldn't do it. Not even from the start. And not til the end.
And here are the Cheesus Dragons. I pulled two out so far (males.)
I'm about 75% sure this one below has balls. Not quite shown yet but it's looking like it.
Anyways, trying not to get discouraged (although I am a bit discouraged.) It's not the light; I've seen guys grow beautiful plants on here with lesser models. I've got some great advice in here already and I've got a pretty solid corner right now of guys willing to help me out with it, so the second grow with this baby is going to be much improved!
Appreciate you guys following along; wish it was a bit of a better show so far but hey, this is what it is and it's only going to get better from here, because I want to go forward with LED's and if this is the starting point, well sweet Jesus it can only get better, right? RIGHT?! *crickets chirping*

I'll be updating more frequently now that the site is running a bit more smoothly; there is another set of beans being germed soon for the second round of Mars love.