Dinafem Arty's Solo Cups, Random Autos & Fungi

:vibe::gary::vibe: It's an Animal farm in there, Oat Willie! :rofl:....Major defol' out of survival necessity -->
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..... but it looks like it went swimmingly mate :clapper: I can only imagine what it looked like before....:eek1:

It's looking Prime Time in there RT-Z, the aroma's must be getting pretty wild by now!
TD and BT are stacking nodes and filling in well,... That Maori war club is Spirit Walker? :amazon: ..... Holy poop tea Batguanoman, that fruitcake blew up big time! ......... Man, you are gonna just die come trim time with all this fine buds raining down on you -:muahaha:.... But it will be worth the beating mate, you'll have a fine fine selection to tickle your palatte with! :cheers: .....This is why I don't sweat yield, being a variety slut has definite advantages... :hump:... In a couple-few months you'll be sitting down in your therapy chair, box o' jar's on your lap, and getting carpel tunnel from all the jar lid cranking and a divet under your snoot from all the jars getting jammed under there :rofl: :zen:olfactory bliss!
Back to the solo cups ladies.
They are eating like little piggies at the trough, feeding twice daily!
The are fattening up like the Goose before Christmas!
I keep wondering how much weight they can put on and how long they have to do it!
I reckon they have at least 3 more weeks maybe a bit more.
Here's the pics of Ruby, I shall post Spirit Walker in the next post down!

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@arty zan "Ruby" is fattening up a treat mate :pass:

Will you be able to participate in the next Solo Cup Challenge on AFN?

Coming late summer :headbang:

All the best :bong:

Hi mark
Count me in!:thumbsup::woohoo1:
Solo Cup growing is so much fun!:vibe:
Big thanks for giving AFN members the chance to have this solo cup challenge!
I was gutted not to be able to take part last time.
This time round I hope to put my best foot forward & grow a champion!
Can I grow a plant as good as Tom's winner last year? I dunno but I'm willing to give it a go!
Is there a limit to the number of people that can enter or is it a more the merrier kinda deal?
I'm sure with the success with the comp last time many people will want to join in the fun.
As I understand it last comp was for Dinafem Strains and this comp will be to showcase Humbolt Seed Organisation Strains!
So i would like to put forward the top 3 strains I would love to grow 1. Lemon Juice Express 2.Chem-Bomb Auto 3.Blue Dream Auto or if there are any new strains yet to be introduced, well that would be a real coup!
I hope some of the photo strains HSO have, will become autos as there are some really interesting photo strains in the catalogue.
Whatever strain is made available, it will be a whole heap of fun, growing along with AFN pals.
One thing you can guarantee, I will do my best to give you the best show I can.
Thanks again for all you do for the AFN members!:bighug:
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Got to bed at 4 AM after loading the "Herbs Now" dryer.
3 hours later my alarm went off on my phone, I'd forgotten to turn it off.
I could smell a slight smell of weed and went and checked the filter.
I had set it so the air blows out through the filter as I had with the other 2' x 2' tent.
In the other tent this was necessary because of the light and low height of the tent.
I didn't need to set the drying tent up in this way though because there is no light.
Seem there was a little air leak in the duct tape seal.
So I decided to have the air suck out through the filter instead.
I had got to bed late and had only 3 hours sleep, so I was groggy and not really with it.
As I was trying to hang the filter, I dropped it, right on top of the "Herbs Now" dryer and broke the lid which is an integral part of the drying process.:nono:
I managed to do a quick repair but will probably need to get a new lid at some point.
The "Herbs Now" dryer is a modified food dehydrator and i have seen the same machine design for food dehydration on chinese sites like aliexpress.
So I will order one of those and use the spare trays and lid, if I need to dehydrate food, I can swp the trays over.
It will be cheaper to order from China than from "Herbs Now" in America.
The weed is still drying and I hope I get good results!

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Banana Kush
She didn't turn out so bad for a plant which was jammed in a really tight grow space, fighting for every bit of light!

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Banana Kush chopped and with a rough trim.
The tray is 18" x 12" to give you some perspective of size!
Now I wait for the Herb dryer to do it's thing and hope it does a good job!
looking great @arty zan all your plants are mouth-watering but the height on the critical orange wow also I've not been around as much lately had a few bad weeks health-wise with my COPD so ive just been doing the minimum updates if you wondered were I've gone to
looking great @arty zan all your plants are mouth-watering but the height on the critical orange wow also I've not been around as much lately had a few bad weeks health-wise with my COPD so ive just been doing the minimum updates if you wondered were I've gone to
Hi Tom
I did wonder where you have been.
Sorry to hear your health hasn't been so good,I hope you are feeling better!
I realise it is an ongoing situation and I guess you have good weeks and bad weeks!
Critical Orange are big for two reasons, one the sativa in her but also because they were the last to be started and got the crappest corner of the cab, where light was not so available, so they have been going upwards to try and find it!
Spirit walker and Ruby were doing so well I didn't want to stop their growth by demoting them to the corner!
Now Banana Kush has been chopped (See post above) there is more room for the solo cups and the critical orange puch are now filling the space Banana Kush occupied!
Time for spirit walker and Ruby is drawing to an end and I will chop in a week or two!
One thing I noticed today id Blue Treacle has what is referred to as "Hash Tips" where the tip of the top buds get so bleached it turns pure white.
This is not good so i have raised the lights.
Stay well my friend :bighug::headbang::vibe:
as you say some weeks are harder than others it depends on the weather and how far i push myself and maybe i take a little bit to much on at times :biggrin: and most of the year i do ok but these warmer ones are always tricky and my bigger plants in the tent are nearly down so be looking at new girls but not as many :pass: