Mephisto Genetics ArTiSaNaL 2018 Testers (let there be light!)

Things are really popping with testers. Been a extremely productive last two days. After adding Seabird guano to regiment, all flowering sites are getting lots of secondary sites, that are all trying to be mains.
At 35 days I've never had explosive, healthy, and happy plants like these.
Total living organics, and mephisto genetics!!! My keys to happiness!!!! Lol...
OK, day 35, Forgotten Cookies. Ridiculous Growth. 40" inches.
So, strawberry nuggets plant [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] has a slight mag def. That's what I get for relying on general organics camg+
I swear that stuff is bunk. You really gotta amp up recommended dosage if your plant by chance needs a lil more cal mag. Calimagic has always been OK to my synthetic grows. I think general hydroponics getting bought out by Monsanto is gonna just spiral what quality gen hydro had left.
Oh well.
Roots Organics makes a dry amendment called elemental. Will be adding to grow from here on out. The strawberry nuggets should most definently be OK. Even though seeing a couple minor leaf spots. She's trucking along fine. Posting updates in morning. Peace
Day 42 update. All ladies have rounded off stretch. And are all starting their blooms nicely. Strawberry Nuggets are definitely looking to be the fastest development so far. #1's growth was SO explosive i ended up with a mag deficiency. Was using a suspect organics camg+ from General organics. Very weak, even at double strength. Luckily i caught early enough, that all new growth is staying a lovely green, and was able to get ahead of it with [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] strawberry nuggets plant. Switched up to roots organics elemental cal mag supplement, also with other things such as sulfur, and some soluble potassium, which is a natural source of silicas.
So those secondary hungers are well addressed with elemental. Definitely brew though if you use it. Very thick and potent stuff.
Strawberry Nuggets has proven to be EXTREMELY vigorous!!!
So really keep those secondary needs focused on, or you could end up chasing deficiencies in bloom. And that can end up bad if not able to rectify fast enough, bodes true with any plant. But some can be very mag hungry.
Anyways will start with Strawberry Nuggets [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]&2
Days 41and 42.
Plant [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG], 41 days. Very vigorous growth.
Strawberry Nuggets [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG].Day 42.
The lady who is getting passed mag def.
Really didn't skip a beat as far as production. Again, luckily caught her early enough, and got them a better source of organic calmag.
Very bushy, but very open structure with these strawberry nuggets. Both plants im running are very similar in stature.
BOG & Mephisto genetics. Hard to compete there lol...
Strawberry Nuggets [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG], day 42
Orange Diesel bx. Day 42.
I love this lady. She just does it. Trucking along like a legend in the making lol...
Already has a very refreshing, clean, citrusy aroma when moved.
This lady is destined to be a meph-head favorite.
Orange Diesel day 42.
Fugue State. Day 42.
This lady I've had to really find a sweet spot for led. She doesn't like it too intense.
I've seen a few different grows where amnesia doesn't respond well sometimes to very intense light.
But seems to really like the vero29gen7 cobs quite well.
She's going on just over 4 feet!
And has almost two mains. One of her satellite branches is almost as thick, and long as main stem.
Since adjusting to cobs, things are really looking nice...
Fugue State, day 42
And last, but absolutely NOT least.
Forgotten Cookies!!! Day 42.
Absolute monster in the making. 4foot 9 inches.
Super auto.
This girl is under a 400watt hps, with a movable 150watt hps for side lighting.
This is sole F1 hybrid in tester bunch.
And is every bit as vigorous as any f1 ive encountered!
First pic is plant in her setup. I apologize for hps lighting in pic. Just wanted all to see how im going about trying to really fill up as many budsites to potential as possible.
Day 42 Forgotten Cookies