Mephisto Genetics ArTiSaNaL 2018 Testers (let there be light!)

I hear you. Some of my leaves were so big and stems were very thick. I wound up doing some defoliating, I usually don’t like to but it was too much of a battle. They look great Mr.CHeeZe!
Lol, seriously. She just wants to pray to the LED gods. Thanks Marga!
Hey any total living organics guys out there!!!
When watering living soil, should I be aiming for runoff at all???
Seems like i would be flushing bennies instead of salts.
Not having any issues, in fact best first month ive done so far.
Just want to know if im gonna encounter issues like this
Day 28-29
Strawberry Nuggets #1-#2
Love these ladies. Plant on right is day younger than one on left. Just a little shorter, but equally bushy. Happy healthy tlo girls...
Strawberry Nuggets day 28-29
So, took my smaller s.crinkle two days ago. Just let the sugar trim, that I didn't leave on plant for drying process, air dry to about halfway dry, then did the old hair straightener rosin bit. Absolutely ridiculous return. But, the wax itself is so hard hitting. The resin quality of the "crinkle" plants I've grown has been so high. Not just quantity of resin coverage, but grade A heads. Very very seldom I can take one binger, and be medicated to comfort. And that plant was under 70 days from seed. But the resin is that strong. What will they do next....
In awe of the piggy!!!!
some of best looking testers iv seen so far nice work man keep it up :d5:
Thanks. Honestly loving total living organics!!!
Seems like everything is just that much smoother. Uptake, digestion, and metabolism is on another level.
They even have a sweeter smell. I know only a month. But already have just the sweetest aroma.