Mephisto Genetics ArTiSaNaL 2018 Testers (let there be light!)

Side note....
This Blue Toof special pheno is of course not apart of testers. But she is right along for ride. At 30 days today she deserved an update. She is also in gbd amended tlo soil. And is a picture of healthiness. Very vigorous little bushy girl. Really can't give her enough light. She just wants more and more. Will update her every once in a while.
Blue Toof extra greasy phenotype, day 30
Leaves are much much greener than above pics look. Still flowering one plant with my hps setup, and that put more yellow in shots. Actually healthiest start yet. Loving living organics!!!!
Ladies big bro.... what you did to the Strawberry nuggets lol let me in on ur secret ... looking nice bro
Lots of light. To be absolutely honest, at this point, too much. If I wasn't a full-time dad, that's home all the time, home schooling my kid. And able to keep a very active eye on grow, these ladies would be toast by now. I frequently adjust dimmers, and move plants around room. So they are benefitting with an array of spectrum. And par outputs. Just extremely hands on.
Also pots are only around 2.5-3.5 gallons. And I use LOTS of bennies in my teas. Great white, Supreme growers, Raw. Every other feed. And working seabird Guanos into every other tea. The more I'm focusing on soil science, and plant uptake, like what they are needing, when they will be needing in grow cycles. The more its making since. My local grow shop guy calls me the savont grower lol... Its just my obsession! I'm sure you can relate, like everyone else here. So I pretty much spend every spare moment either researching, or with my face barried in my grow. Lol...
Honestly think all the testers are doing great. Your grow is looking great too bro. I really am excited for the next month. See what these ladies are gonna do across the forums. Will also have my computer back this week. On a crappy tablet now. Makes using these forums, and surfing others grows a pain in ass. Will be doing a thread on grow diaries too when computer is back. Better camera too.
Will be setting some kind of dwc up next couple weeks, and may need to pick your brain a little on subject if OK.
Lots of light. To be absolutely honest, at this point, too much. If I wasn't a full-time dad, that's home all the time, home schooling my kid. And able to keep a very active eye on grow, these ladies would be toast by now. I frequently adjust dimmers, and move plants around room. So they are benefitting with an array of spectrum. And par outputs. Just extremely hands on.
Also pots are only around 2.5-3.5 gallons. And I use LOTS of bennies in my teas. Great white, Supreme growers, Raw. Every other feed. And working seabird Guanos into every other tea. The more I'm focusing on soil science, and plant uptake, like what they are needing, when they will be needing in grow cycles. The more its making since. My local grow shop guy calls me the savont grower lol... Its just my obsession! I'm sure you can relate, like everyone else here. So I pretty much spend every spare moment either researching, or with my face barried in my grow. Lol...
Honestly think all the testers are doing great. Your grow is looking great too bro. I really am excited for the next month. See what these ladies are gonna do across the forums. Will also have my computer back this week. On a crappy tablet now. Makes using these forums, and surfing others grows a pain in ass. Will be doing a thread on grow diaries too when computer is back. Better camera too.
Will be setting some kind of dwc up next couple weeks, and may need to pick your brain a little on subject if OK.
Like the saying.... treat them good & them treat you better lol