Mephisto Genetics ArTiSaNaL 2018 Testers (let there be light!)

looking nice bro:d5:
Huuunnngggrrrryyyy gals...
Thanks. Can't wait to get them under own lights. Really feed em.
Got three 4 assed monkies, two sour crinkle, and one auto liver coming down next week and a half.
Gonna start some fantasmo express, and hbss in dwc two weeks from now.
Fantasmo is my absolute favorite med right now. Actually like better than the ghost train haze ive had. Much better actually. And grower who turned me on to ghost train is no slouch.
Just got 5.5oz in 9x9pot of
So hopefully can top that with dwc.
I'm excited to see this to the end. Keep up the good organic work.
Quite a few growers doing testing for these particular strains. Im not sure whom all is organics.
I do have, and use products with potassium hydroxide.
Which some argue isn't organics. But omri approved, so...
Stayed tuned...
Day 21-22 Strawberry Nuggets.
Moved these girls to their own light. A dimmable 12-band viparspectra 350.
156w at full power. Just finished vegging a a.livers, and really bushed her out.
Will be transferring the 21day plant to 400w hps, with a 150hps side light. Just as soon as 67 day 4am is finished. Which should be within a week.
The older will be transferred to my tasty c.o.b led, just as soon as a s.crinkle is finished with it. Which should be within next 10days.
They will be just fine though for next week.
While also giving other four testers a little more elbow room until other lights become available. Fun fun fun...will update the others individually next few days.
Strawberry Nuggets!!! Days 21-22,
And a group shot on bottom of other four gals also at day 22.
Stay tuned. Peace
Day 23...
Today's update is brought to you by the letter F.
Forgotten Cookies!!!
Lovely gal, already exhibiting that F1 vigour...
Day 23 Forgotten Cookies.
Girls way ahead of me on the same day... nice looking ladies
Ehhh, ive learned that sooo many factors are at play. Your ladies are right on track imho. And will probably end up being larger than mine.
I also use veg and bloom spectrum on the leds vegging them. Just a foot higher than normal hanging height.
But i also have to really guard against stressing my girls with toooo much light.
I run at 19/5. With how much light i feed, i personally cant use a longer light cycle.
And by 18-19 hours, my ladies are ready for dark. Until around 30-35 days. Then can start pushing a little harder with lights.
But your gals look fantastic pro.
Alright peoples!
Update time.
And since it's super sift Saturday, will update two pretty plants. All testers have sexed btw.
Day 24
Fugue state in white square pot.
Day 24
Orange Diesel on left.
4Assed monkey dried and ready for sift.
I run ah 18/6 then maybe in late bloom i go 20/4
Gotta love the flexibility in light with auto.
It's hard to actually think about going back to photos.
And have a stellar line up of genetics to run.
But man, mephisto is just making it harder and harder to want to switch back. Probably gonna set up a 4×4 tent. Got a semi local cut here i can get anytime im ready. Moonrocks x Caviar. Absolutely ridiculous cultivar.