Mephisto Genetics ArTiSaNaL 2018 Testers (let there be light!)

Week 2!!!!
Day 14 for the testers. Getting a mixed microbe tea today for all.
All are just trucking along wonderfully.
I have had to move Fugue state from under such direct light. But has definitely perked up since just moving her a little to side.
Will start with her. Fugue state, day 14
Quick update.
Added yet another led to grow. A BLOOMBEAST A520, 13band powerhouse. With a 3k cob in middle. 100% dimmability with 3 controls for seedling, veg, bloom.
Its a Chinese company. But a smaller one. Actually seam like heads! Not just another mars, or vipar. Paid 212.00 to get to my door in two days. If in the market for inexpensive, introductory led, that actually blasts out some serious par, check these guys out.
Will actually have 7 plants in bloom during testers run. Since 2× ssk. And just had to plant a special pheno Blue Toof. At 15 days as well.
When Mitch said extra greasy pheno. My pipes started drooling!
So didn't want testers to suffer. Had to add another light.
Check her out. BLOOMBEAST A520
Some those lights are good..... i got a expensive light that burn out 3 times now and the cheap Mars never fail yet...
I've got an expensive cob, from tasty led, four viparspectra, and that new BLOOMBEAST, as well cpl hps. But they all work great.
Granted my cob is top bin everything, and really puts alot of par out. But these cheaper panels are rocking. Vipar really veg great. Heavy in blue. But they just released an extra reds edition. I got. Honestly both work just fine for bloom. But my cobs do have just a little more ooomph!!!! So always put my star girl there to bloom. Right now she has a Sour Crinkle at 48 days....
Seriously posting pic... this girl is only 48 days