Mephisto Genetics ArTiSaNaL 2018 Testers (let there be light!)

Also. Looking for other sites to do this journal on. Afn is pretty much mephisto saturated. Want to help get the mg word out there. Will still be journaling here as well.
So any suggestions???
I've got grow diaries. Starting that journal tonight.
Also. Looking for other sites to do this journal on. Afn is pretty much mephisto saturated. Want to help get the mg word out there. Will still be journaling here as well.
So any suggestions???
I've got grow diaries. Starting that journal tonight.
They have a good following on Instagram. I haven’t figured the Instagram out, I check Mephistos postings there and read but that’s it so far. Years ago I dabbled very little on Rollitup and grasscity. AFN is the best hands down. Period. That’s all I know. That new light looks cool.
If anyone wants to post links to mephisto grow journals. Current or past. Please feel free to post them here. I'm a full time dad/hubby/grower... and about the only time i get online anymore i update thread, and try to check out some other grows. But just don't have a lot of time for surfing around. If there were easy to open links, here in a thread im already in, and managing. It makes it a ton easier for me just to jump in and take a look around.
Also, can be useful for others down the road, researching these strains, and others from MG. Or post pics, whatever. Especially other current testers. Its all good. Please feel free.
A shot of the babies. 17 days. Got myco brew 5 days ago, and kelp brew 30 hours ago...
They liked!!!
Ok day 20. Was gonna do update every seven days until in bloom. But have to take kid to karate event outta town. So gonna show ladies a day early.
All are in super soil ammended potters gold soil. Organic.
Being fed with supreme growers myco teas, and kelp tea. Using roots organics trinity for biocatalyst, surge for rhyzo, and ancient amber for vitamin and metabolism.
All are still under a 600w led with both spectrum on, at around 40" inches now... will be harvesting 6 mature mephisto plants over next ten days. As they are harvested, tester ladies will take their light and space.
For now though the 600w is pushing these ladies just fine.

Starting things off!!!
The lady im personally anticipating the most. Strawberry Nuggets!!!
A compilation of BOG genetics reworked, and autoized by the masters.
Im certain this lady is gonna blow it up!
Already pushing out secondary branching hard. Fatty stem. Those fat fingered gani leaves.
Just absolutely letting those beastly genetics show already.
Got two of these babies going. 19&20 days.
As soon as i dropped one, just knew had to drop another of these lol.
Strawberry Nuggets days 19&20