Something New for 2017.
Live Stoners Chat is the place to Be on [HASHTAG]#AFN[/HASHTAG] to make Friends and gain site we have taken on two [HASHTAG]#livewarriors[/HASHTAG]
@iampepe and
@Slater have agreed to give up some of their site time to Help direct new Intros into Live them how to Tag
@Rebel in to get them their badges and generally make them Welcome.
Obviously..two of them cannot provide round the clock if any of you See noobs getting here..make them Welcome..and show them how to Tag the Staff members you Think they need to Talk to.
[HASHTAG]#AFN[/HASHTAG] members giving up their Time to Help Build a Better [HASHTAG]#AFN[/HASHTAG].
Together we Can Do it...
Thank You
our First [HASHTAG]#livewarriors[/HASHTAG]
Part of the [HASHTAG]#AFNHighTeam[/HASHTAG]..members division...

..New for 2017.