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Happy New Year Eve @budelee :bighug:

Ha could have the TV full blast here and it wouldn't drown out the Rattles the house. Even in the brick house you can Feel it.

I'm with you on the sedatives.
We tried dog sedatives and canna butter and both just make them worse.
The dogs are still petrified but we just have to Watch them suffer and hope they finish before the dogs have heart attacks...:nono:..there is nothing you can do to Confort them

Well @Ripper said the had Team Space..and you are On the [HASHTAG]#cannazonetestteam[/HASHTAG] so just Ask @Fairlynew
Oh i was just giving @Duggy a hard time,im on the Zambeza test team..whew..our dogs have to hear the army base doing maneuvers at least once per month so i guess they are a little used to it..i live a stones throw from the main base,when i talk of being outta cell range at work,im at the test ranges where the tanks and helicopters live fire( not usually while were there tho)
No clue about the beach party, I'm happy just to celebrate indoors with hubby and the cat, and online. I'm a bit of an anti-social cow too,

[HASHTAG]#Antisocialcows[/HASHTAG]'d be Surprise at how many more of us there are on here..

Besides, there are probably germs here that neither him or me have resistance to, so it's safer to keep away!

Ha are more likely to catch it from the Ex-pat community..or if you have friends/family coming over from the UK...:biggrin:..I'm sure I Heard there was a Terrible Teneriffe Typhus running around..incurable...:coffee:
Look up the strain you want, bottom of that page should have seed banks that carry it.

Cheers @Rifleman :d5:.. [HASHTAG]#memberpower[/HASHTAG] ..Helping each other on [HASHTAG]#afn[/HASHTAG].
To the membership and staff . :bighug:

Cheers @1939bear :bighug:we can't Promise to always get it Right..but..there is an awful Lot of Time and Effort Trying to.

[HASHTAG]#AFN[/HASHTAG] Staff ..:cheersmate: Guys and Girls giving up their time to make [HASHTAG]#afn[/HASHTAG] a flam free troll free site.

Thank You..:worship::worship::worship:
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