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They do day time ones for Christenings..and apparently the bigger the Bangs..the more Money you is a status thing...:d5:..

Who needs Fizz when you can get damn good cava for a euro..? you have a Christmas day/New Years day beach party there..?
Here instead of visiting each others houses..everyone just meets up on the beach in santa hats..their dogs too.

Some people do bbq's some take cool boxes..someone will kick of some live music..skiffle band..and the bins overflow with cava bottles.

Oh..and there is always someone who will dive in for a New Years swim...:coffee:

Being an anti-social cow I avoid it all...:coffee:..when I was sick.. picking up the bugs from everyone wanting hugs and kisses would ramp up my pain I kept well away.
Stop Flu Epidemics..Ban hugging and kissing over the know it makes everybody Sick in January.:cold:

We haven't got cava either, our fizz will be the gaseosa in the pomadas LOL.

No clue about the beach party, I'm happy just to celebrate indoors with hubby and the cat, and online. I'm a bit of an anti-social cow too, I don't even know what most of the Christmas lights in town look like, as I only go as far as the supermarket at the bottom of the hill! I'm no different in the UK though, everyone on my department at work would get a Christmas kiss and hug, but that'd be it. Besides, there are probably germs here that neither him or me have resistance to, so it's safer to keep away!
happy New Years Eve everybody!!

Happy New Year Eve @budelee :bighug:

@Mossy you and the hubbys' eveing sounds like a page outta my book,sans the drink,the stereo left on with a little volume drowns the booms for our dogs

Ha could have the TV full blast here and it wouldn't drown out the Rattles the house. Even in the brick house you can Feel it.

I'm with you on the sedatives.
We tried dog sedatives and canna butter and both just make them worse.
The dogs are still petrified but we just have to Watch them suffer and hope they finish before the dogs have heart attacks...:nono:..there is nothing you can do to Confort them

i wont use the canna caps to try and settle them down again,the lab/jack russel runs in circles shaking till she passes out

if i post a spliff with my name can i get some jack the ripper??

Well @Ripper said the had Team Space..and you are On the [HASHTAG]#cannazonetestteam[/HASHTAG] so just Ask @Fairlynew
Something New for 2017.

Live Stoners Chat is the place to Be on [HASHTAG]#AFN[/HASHTAG] to make Friends and gain site we have taken on two [HASHTAG]#livewarriors[/HASHTAG] @iampepe and @Slater have agreed to give up some of their site time to Help direct new Intros into Live them how to Tag @Rebel in to get them their badges and generally make them Welcome.

Obviously..two of them cannot provide round the clock if any of you See noobs getting here..make them Welcome..and show them how to Tag the Staff members you Think they need to Talk to.


[HASHTAG]#AFN[/HASHTAG] members giving up their Time to Help Build a Better [HASHTAG]#AFN[/HASHTAG].

Together we Can Do it... :d5:

Thank You @iampepe :bighug: @Slater :bighug:our First [HASHTAG]#livewarriors[/HASHTAG]

Part of the [HASHTAG]#AFNHighTeam[/HASHTAG]..members division...:d5:..New for 2017.
I'm happy to help in any way I can. AFN rocks!
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