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Top 10 dumb 911 calls in 2016

1. Requesting help opening a broken gym locker

2. Inquiring about job opportunities for a family member interested in police work

3. Because an electric shaver would not turn off

4. Requesting a ladder to get a soccer ball off the roof

5. Asking how best to get a drone down from a tree

6. Tired of waiting in traffic

7. "There's a big spider in the bathroom"

8. Complaining they couldn't get into a nightclub

9. Teenager refused to do chores

10. "Can you tell me what time it is?"
And some people are dumb enough to crank call them.. *rolls eyes*

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=Around here, the vape stores each sell their own concoctions and do not list ingredients, will not tell you who made it, and don't like it when you ask. That has led me to not trust the stuff. I don't have any friends who use it either, so my experience is about nill.
I wouldn't trust that either...but you can vape herb until you learn to make the juice, or find a reliable place to buy it from. [emoji121] [emoji6]

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Not sure if that's worked.

Yep. It did.

The sublimator. Doing weed and oil at the same time.

Can I hate you anymore?? [emoji13] [emoji121] I HATE that video! It makes me feel like I need to find a rich, pothead, husband. NOW! [emoji16] [emoji28] [emoji23]

It just looks awesome, sounds awesome, and is probably ([emoji121] you know it's coming) TOTAL AWESOMENESS to use!

I don't wanna die without trying one, life just wouldn't be full. [emoji52] [emoji53] [emoji22]

On the other hand, it's cheaper to fly to England for an afternoon and try yours than it would be to actually buy one! [emoji121] [emoji28] [emoji23] [emoji28] [emoji23]

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If your talking about quitting tobacco I'll support you one hundred percent . I stopped tobacco 10 years ago no regrets , wished I done it sooner . If you need any help just let me know . [emoji106]
Same here! Actually, I did enjoy smoking and loved it while it lasted! But I always knew I'd have to quit when I got older, so I fully enjoyed it, but I'm glad it's gone now. [emoji6] [emoji109]

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There are some recipes for vape oil in the hash/edibles forum..good luck/karma to you,quitting the ciggis is my priority right now..a vape is on my list of needed items!!
Here's how I quit...

I allowed myself a pack of cigarettes 30 days after I smoked the last one. So, I'd buy a pack, spend from two days to a week smoking it, then mark the calendar. 30 days later, I could have another pack. So I always had something to look forward to.

After the nicotine clears from your system and you start losing the habit, you start forgetting and a couple of months will sneak by without it. One day a few months after the last one, after a nice dinner out with a good bottle of wine, you'll remember you can get a pack.

Because your system is clear, it will feel like shit. The flavor sucks, your heart starts beating faster from the nicotine, and you'll feel soooo nauseous, you'll give the rest of the pack away. [emoji6]

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