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Heres a little info on Turmeric

I use it frequently. I cook with it, and take it in capsule. It works nearly as well as ibuprofen for anti inflamatory. It's a good preventative.
=Around here, the vape stores each sell their own concoctions and do not list ingredients, will not tell you who made it, and don't like it when you ask. That has led me to not trust the stuff. I don't have any friends who use it either, so my experience is about nill.

So are you going to make your own juice? It seems there are loads of recipes on the net. It's something that interests me too.
So are you going to make your own juice? It seems there are loads of recipes on the net. It's something that interests me too.

definitely. I am most interested in alcohol free recipes. I lost it, but I was looking at a recipies using coconut oil and dry material, then you would change its viscosity with propylene glycol. Last time I thought about it was over a year ago, but I am ready to get this project going now.
Yes and like pop22 I think I've tried just about every vaporizer made except of course the very high end ones like some of our other rich members have . [emoji3]
Yup, add me to the list! I'm very curious about the Grasshopper, but red some poor reviews online... [emoji53]

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I tried a vape for the first yesterday (don't judge) I don't trust the stuff to be honest. It's not the tech, it's that I don't know the chemist and the ingredients are suspect. I did enjoy it though, I suppose I will now have to actually do the research and make my own juice. That's the only way I will trust it.

It's clear, that I don't even know how many ways there are to vape. The first time I encountered it was about 15 years ago, and it was a very different thing. It involved a large glass dome, and really was just to cool the smoke, which was ignited by a small electric emiiter.
I think @Itisi knows how to make it. He's my vape guru AND envy! [emoji121] [emoji6] [emoji108] [emoji13]

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