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I started to look there a bit, I will find my answer soon. First is to find which gear I want, and which variety of 'juice' or vape stuff, or whatever you want to call it that I want to use. I've been a cig smoker for nearly 30 years now, even though most of that I have rolled my own organic smokes, it is way past time to quit.
Truth is, is vaping were around when I quit, I'd probably just have switched over. I actually vape flavored juice nicotine free from time to time, really like it! [emoji106] [emoji2]

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Here's how I quit...

I allowed myself a pack of cigarettes 30 days after I smoked the last one. So, I'd buy a pack, spend from two days to a week smoking it, then mark the calendar. 30 days later, I could have another pack. So I always had something to look forward to.

After the nicotine clears from your system and you start losing the habit, you start forgetting and a couple of months will sneak by without it. One day a few months after the last one, after a nice dinner out with a good bottle of wine, you'll remember you can get a pack.

Because your system is clear, it will feel like shit. The flavor sucks, your heart starts beating faster from the nicotine, and you'll feel soooo nauseous, you'll give the rest of the pack away. [emoji6]

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cool, good morning witchy!
afternoon AFN

@1939bear @witchyhour @trailanimal ..


Some very high grade Maroccan Hasish ... with Tobacco :

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