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I always ask Santa for world peace.

I got these really cool liquid chalk markers though. Aaaand they come with these cute lil "chalkboard" decals that I can stick on my jars of pot! Labeling problem solved..
View attachment 679336

Nice work Eye, funny I started a re read of WOT in nov. On book 3 now, One of the best epic fantasy series ever only 11 more books to go
Good morning LS hope everyone had a great christmas.santa brought me a new lens for my camera so i decided to try and get a pic of the night sky in my light polluted city and for my first ever pic of the stars i think it came out ok.

stars 2.jpg
Thanks bro but now my misses is having a heart attack because i now want a tracking mount for my telescope so i can connect my dslr to my scope and do some proper astrophotography
I did some astrophotography but after seeing some of the stuff people were creating with $100,000. equipment I gave it up .:biggrin:
Thanks bro but now my misses is having a heart attack because i now want a tracking mount for my telescope so i can connect my dslr to my scope and do some proper astrophotography

Want a challenge closer to home? See if you can snag a clear shot of the ISS. There is a great app to pinpoint when it goes overhead. Good luck.

I did some astrophotography but after seeing some of the stuff people were creating with $100,000. equipment I gave it up .:biggrin:

I'm hooked on Hubble.
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