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Wellll looks like my ride to work is pissed off at me so don't look like I'm getting to work today. DUI SUCKS BALLZ... anyways, so now I can sit here and harass you all day bear!!!
Good Luck :haha: But it looks like you working with a limited vocabulary .
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Good Afternoon [HASHTAG]#afn[/HASHTAG] Stoners:smoker:..sharing one.

52 and steady rain here... Spring weather at the beginning of winter... :face: Oh well... We need the rain badly...

:pass: :bighug: Enjoy your day!

So did we..we just didn't need that bloody much that Badly...:coffee:

Good Morning @Feenix @Mossy @Rebel and the rest of you good people .
I have a small dilema this a.m. I have 2 lge jars of Frisien Duck that I have stored since 2015. I decided to run some of it through my heat press and got diddly nota resin not one drop . Me thinks that this should go in the trash . Any thoughts on this delicate matter . :eyebrows:

I've grown her and she smoked scope was I didn't get her under the scope for a tric check.

Mornin Mossy, Rebel, Troon, Eyes, bear and all. :bighug:
Hope no one got beat up on boxing day.
Do the still really box on boxing day or are boxers on holiday too?

Afternoon @Feenix :bighug:

I hate living in a cultural wasteland when it comes to food diversity . What the heck is grits anyhow??

That is why I Love seeing the food in get to see the diversity..I mightn't get to Taste it but I get to See it..:headbang:
What do you say when people ask why you're so salty today
Bwahahaa..I sweat Tabasco sauce!!! Garden pic to start the day..gotta foliar feed then get me boots on!!
Oh also got the information I wanted about advanced nutrients. Told me to start at .5mL (.5 of all three 1.5ml total) per liter of water to start, then if they can take that without clawing I can take it up +.5mL, if I notice the claw then I back off. Told me to do that every watering.

I could search, and search, and search... and find something, and still have the same question. I'd rather gather information from users who are currently active/who i can speak to right away and such rather than a post that has been long forgotten about and dead.

I could read for ten hours and find the one little bit of information I needed to know that takes 60 seconds to read... or I could ask the members of the forum and get an answer from someone who is actively growing and using the products without reading ten hours worth of bullshit.
I grow blueberry which hates nutes usin A N nutes im finally up to full strength dose only took 4 months

Good evening @Mossy ,I have a plant thats been growing yellow leafs in areas( not N def) ,I had asked @Waira to have a look,maybe he wants em in the anamoly thread..i dunnoView attachment 678728
Ive got loads of them but my plants are almost 6 ft and its cos my leds domt get that far down

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