Grow Room archie has another go at 1L airpots

i took the pic but forgot to post yesterday
so day 2 for the trio

jammy dodger in need of a pipe cleaner walking stick.
keep er lit.
ive stuck a couple of wicks up into the pots Jay :pass:water as best i can and leave them to suck up whats left in the tray best they can.
i did have a tuppaware tub that came half way up the pots but didnt seem to effective,as it was 1 pot at a time.

3x1L airpots in a 6L drip tray.JPG

the trio day 19
1L trio JD,OB,FS day 19.JPG

and what they get
1L trio day 19.JPG

had been getting 250ml between them everyday with very little run off.been 500ml every other day this week,with a good part of that in the drip tray.
now we in the cooler months,i dont expect the hassles and a murder on my hands of archie has a bash at 1L vol.1
day 24 for the trio in 1L pots
1L trio day 25.JPG

is the same thing happening as what did in 250/500 and the last run of 1L small medium and large,no much side branching going on,and a string of piss by the looks of things.
these have been closer to the light than my 3L pots and they wernt so keen up close.
if the low down brown leaves dont fall off il take em off next time.
and the schedule
1L trio shed day 25.JPG

its not friday yet,why did i score if off :baked: