Extraction archie has a bash at a tincture

we dont,at least in theory we dont have to shake as alcohol will dissolve the thc stalk and heads.
in theory butane will remove more thc than iso/eth will.polar/semi polar/non polar.eth will remove more thc that water and ice.all theory ofcourse.
but the alcohol is not 100% or 200% depending on what foot you kick a football with.so its not 100% effective at removing the thc glands.
are people told to shake each day of a 30day/3month soak so they dont forget about it ? hard packed sludge in the bottom of a jar may not come in much contact with the eth after day 15 if its never been shaken up.3months is more for the natural decarbing than removing of trichs.
all the trichs wont come off or wont be dissolved.there is a saturation point of a liquid,i dont know what it is for eth/iso its the amount of dissolved solids that a liquid can keep suspended before they turn back into a solid or the liquid becomes ineffective.
if wanting to remove as much thc from material i would reccomend a 2nd or 3rd wash.im not taking to much care to wring out every last drop of vodka from the material,as im going to give it a quick wash in some 99.9% iso.theory again iso will remove more thc than eth will.
we dont,at least in theory we dont have to shake as alcohol will dissolve the thc stalk and heads.
in theory butane will remove more thc than iso/eth will.polar/semi polar/non polar.eth will remove more thc that water and ice.all theory ofcourse.
but the alcohol is not 100% or 200% depending on what foot you kick a football with.so its not 100% effective at removing the thc glands.
are people told to shake each day of a 30day/3month soak so they dont forget about it ? hard packed sludge in the bottom of a jar may not come in much contact with the eth after day 15 if its never been shaken up.3months is more for the natural decarbing than removing of trichs.
all the trichs wont come off or wont be dissolved.there is a saturation point of a liquid,i dont know what it is for eth/iso its the amount of dissolved solids that a liquid can keep suspended before they turn back into a solid or the liquid becomes ineffective.
if wanting to remove as much thc from material i would reccomend a 2nd or 3rd wash.im not taking to much care to wring out every last drop of vodka from the material,as im going to give it a quick wash in some 99.9% iso.theory again iso will remove more thc than eth will.
Ok, that's good point about sludge I think will shake a little bit now.
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part 3 of 3
some more bits
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250/125/50 micron screens,not tea filters theory 15-25 microns technically 0 microns.
2 days in the freezer and its time for straining.
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flies throught the metal filters,and makes it easier/quicker come not tea filter time.250 for all the material then in and out of jars 125/50microns.back in the freezer for an hour before the not tea filters.
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put in 375ml of 176% vodka with a lil splash or spilage between each process i ended up with a 250ml glass.i didnt squeeze the bejesus outa the material as im going to give it another wash with iso.
double boiler bring up to temp for 20 mins.

ended up with 100ml

smells more vodkay now than when i sniffed the bottle.
does it work ? dunno not tried it yet and im not medical anyways so wouldnt know.
part seven of nine (star trek lady)

they really were on the slow boat from china
15ml dropper bottles.JPG

its been that long im not sure how i came up with the mg/ml figure.
i allways meant to try this out sober so to speak.but thats not gona happen now,i had maybe 5 j's today and could have 5 more :pass:
i just put 10 drops of this under my tongue.surprizingly pleasant,no vodka taste and just a mild smokeyness caramel with just a hint of weed.didnt swallow let it soak in,had a cuppa tea at the ready but left it 5 mins before i had a slug of it.
and that was about 15mins ago
part seven of nine (star trek lady)

they really were on the slow boat from china
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its been that long im not sure how i came up with the mg/ml figure.
i allways meant to try this out sober so to speak.but thats not gona happen now,i had maybe 5 j's today and could have 5 more :pass:
i just put 10 drops of this under my tongue.surprizingly pleasant,no vodka taste and just a mild smokeyness caramel with just a hint of weed.didnt swallow let it soak in,had a cuppa tea at the ready but left it 5 mins before i had a slug of it.
and that was about 15mins ago

:pop:. Sat hoping you arnt out looking for oven gloves :thumbsup:
part B
long gone are them days,well i hope so.
felt a dry mouth pretty much from taking it,something must be lingering as me tea just aint quite as nice tonite.
spose it took about an hour to take effect and then this

followed by a black cuppa tea and a sore lip :face:
i couldnt get any stupider or forgetfull if i
part B
long gone are them days,well i hope so.
felt a dry mouth pretty much from taking it,something must be lingering as me tea just aint quite as nice tonite.
spose it took about an hour to take effect and then this
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followed by a black cuppa tea and a sore lip :face:
i couldnt get any stupider or forgetfull if i

That's a bitch, that will blister, we use to make a tea and walk out the canteen and leave the steaming bag on guys shoulders , the overalls kept it away long enough to get out and run off back to print machine ,,was funny at the time,
part looking back thoughts
hehe i allways favoured the spoon to the back of the hand trick,for the instant yelp :crying:and maybe a clip round the ear:rolleyes1:
as im not medical this tincture thread is maybe a bit squewed.i dont get the munchies,tea is my thing when having a smoke.and i can stay awake around the clock if the mood takes me.
an hour to take effect,two hours and pure stupid.in the next 3 hours i only rolled 2 rockets(should have been closer to 6) the last one took me 20mins to grind a bud and 10mins to roll.
this is a standard smashed outa my face rocket.

there was an all body kinda thing going on :vibe:on my feet i was a bit jittery not unsteady or nowt just tingles.i know what im doing behind the wheel of a car,but i wouldnt even go near a pushbike after a tincture.you may well be able to lap the Nurburgring within a few seconds stoned to sober,but not on a tincture.
so 5:30 hours after taking 10 drops tincture i was in my bed out like a light 2 if not 5 hours early :sleeping:for a good 10 hours.
a very different stone to smoking,even though i mixed them both.would have liked to test it sober,but me being me chances of that were slim.
if you havnt its well worth a bash at,but then i would say that about every kind of concentrate,extract etc. as its variety it maybe variety of the same strain but its still variety of sorts,in flavours smells,tastes,%thc,effects mind body and allsorts really.
next morning no hangover,but still a lingering effect,the pace is nice n slow.
:cheers: Free Flow
when i started this i thought all canna tinctures were subbliminal...subluingual...drops under the tongue :smoking: works different from an edible.but have seen it mixed with orange like a shot and mixer,so i think thats whats next and hey its a saturday night :cooldance:

it was this or Elton John,i know which id rather look at :crying:
part B next spose,or have i allready had one of them :shrug: