Lighting archie grows something under a Telos 0006 1.1i

heya TM :pass:well yes and old light was 180w and so is the telos.old light was pinkish,this white white.old light £120 telos £336.expensive,quaility,great rep and in theory a lot better a light than im used to.have had 4 leds prior to this,what i hope for is this light is in perfect working order in 3 years and is still considered a good light.if i sudenenly become the david attenburgh of the canna growing world on rathlin island il be delighted:woohoo:
some thoughts everytime im in the cupboard its lights off :shrug:being a lazy grower i hung the light and carried on regardless.its been well documented seedlings dont like less than 50cm from the telos 0008.i think all the range is now 1.1i ? so the 0006 is likely to be the same,i was told to thanks folks :cheers: but the eejit that i am i have to get burnt to accept and understand it.
bluetoof special spent way to long to close,but i didnt do anything about it :shrug:grapey only had a week at 50.both at 70 ish now and seem a lot happier.i thought the cookies would have been mega bleached at 15cm bit only about 3mm on tip so im finding that odd,but more than happy that its not whited out :smoking:
i bit behind schedule with the double grape,thought id put it in tissue,but just found it still in the glass beside a tissue and bag :wall: so could be wednesday.
weather has gone back to its normal cold wet n windy.
keep er lit or sideways folks
what a shit thread:face:
stoner:gardener ratio out of alignment again
has it been that long :shrug:the double grape is up,but if i wrote it down the bit of paper is :shrug:
onto some shit i do know
grapey walter 3L day 38
grapey walter day 38.JPG

a bit pale underneath,think i been too light on nutes.but the worst of it will be my watering technik :eyebrows:
bluetoof special 3L day 45
bluetoof special day 45.JPG

the one that spent a couple of weeks at 50cm has quite a bit of undergrowth that i should have done something about,and still havnt :baked:
other than jabbed a pipe cleaner in to help with a lean on i havnt tucked a leaf or nowt yet.
keep er lit.
cheers Mikey :pass:Vapo :pass:before i started posting here i was growing miserable lil things that could be smoked in 3 joints.i dont know what happened to fix that :shrug:as nothing much has changed.learnt next to nothing,read a lot,a bit more experienced.gardener to stoner ratio is still out of alignment :baked:
no cares or worries....not really i been at it a while now and have a bit of a rainy day stash
IMG_5105 - Copy.JPG
running perpetual allows for a slip up now and again.avoid disaster and get to harvest with some buds is the main aim.everything else is just a bonus.
the bluetooth sat on the shelf a good two weeks @50cm away from light,and has a lot of low down under growth.the grapey only had a week at 50 cm,but as soon as i lowered them both to 75 ish away from light grapey seemed to strech,and is now 10cm taller than bluetooth.tops now 25cm from light,but now they bigger dont seem to cause much issue.
i could be wrong time will tell,but sofa so good.
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