Indoor archie gemmill's trophy cabinet

cheers peeps :pass:its lost the pickled onion smell now its dry,the stone is a bit funny,very drift away ish,goldfish concentration levels.
grapey walter hanging up
cock and balls :yoinks:
View attachment 966217
facking top cola to about 4" down 2 blobs,so i cut 6" down and fucked it out bleached the snips,cranked the lil table fan up,moved the rest closer but not blown on.
when i first spied it had a purple tinge,thought thats pretty.................hang on............thats not natural..........its budrot,botritis,mold :shrug: dont really matter which its not welcome and wont be tolerated :redcard: at the moment its :shrug:a 10% ish loss or there abouts.could i have somehow treated or worked around the effected area ? probably,but probably to late if i had to go on interweb to get h2o2o2.lemon juice,bicarb of soda, could be some other stuff to ive heard of.but after 6 or so years of growing bug free,untill now budrot free,and no major disasters im gonna take it on the chin:baked: it could have been a lot could still get has hailstoned and pissed it down for the last 3 days so the ambient conditions havnt done me any favours.
i see peeps say lesson learn,but lets not jump the gun here lesson taught :crying: time will tell :haha:
Hey Archie [emoji482]
I just wanted to give you an update of what I've been doing down there again you know I'm working pretty much with all natural products with Organic type deterrence against the PM the spider mites and the aphids doing pretty good job it looks like cuz they're just about all gone although I used nemes oil once and I used ms90 once these and Captain Jack's. That was weeks ago I know I go back and forth with these different products trying to kill these things I've done a pretty good job on it and the plants are coming back fast the alcohol water soap mix that I'm presently using right now I believe is also a deterrent against the p.m. now I know the hydrogen peroxide and water mix definitely works but I'm leaning towards the alcohol as well and not only does it destroy the spider mites but not their eggs it's just wiping out on the p.m. as well as of this morning I found one. Speck Of p.m. on my veg chem berry diesel in the veg room. In the flower room the five plant in there that were covered in p.m. 6 weeks ago spider mites and aphids to the point I thought I was mad to throw the whole crop out. That now it's completely saved and I'm not worried at all about finishing up so to help you out I know you can get alcohol over there it's a good deterrent far as I can tell I used 91% rubbing alcohol straight out of the pharmacy or drugstore in fact that guy. The Walmart Shelf and I mixed 8 oz of that 2 1 quart of water and 2 teaspoons of mild dish detergent and I did use Dawn antibacterial dish detergent cuz that's all I had on hand at the time I mixed. Maybe that's the kicker I don't know all I can tell you is it's working.
Good luck bro bro.[emoji482]
I'll do a full right up in my journal in the indoor grow journals

cheers Gtg :cheers: learnin a lot from your thread :thumbsup: on the bug front,here in the uk up north anyway i dont think the climate is favourable to bugs,maybe if we messing with other peoples cuts/clones and bits n bobs.outdoor folk seem to get some budrot,it pisses a lot here.but in general indoors is fine.but its a hell of a lot better have read and seen pics of br/mold/pm before it ever happens to oneself,i thank you for that sir :toke:
1L BWM but im sure they have 2,3L to,you may not believe me but ive no idea how much they hold, i think its 1L :eyebrows: i tend not to fill em more than 3/4 closer to half when im highlands and islands i used a well know auction site thats not a river or forrest.
cheers Gtg :cheers: learnin a lot from your thread :thumbsup: on the bug front,here in the uk up north anyway i dont think the climate is favourable to bugs,maybe if we messing with other peoples cuts/clones and bits n bobs.outdoor folk seem to get some budrot,it pisses a lot here.but in general indoors is fine.but its a hell of a lot better have read and seen pics of br/mold/pm before it ever happens to oneself,i thank you for that sir :toke:
1L BWM but im sure they have 2,3L to,you may not believe me but ive no idea how much they hold, i think its 1L :eyebrows: i tend not to fill em more than 3/4 closer to half when im highlands and islands i used a well know auction site thats not a river or forrest.
Mate, I know, I’m Scottish Islands too. Can’t even buy a decent toothbrush here. :shrug:
im burping the grapey walter in 5 half/three quarters jars,il weight the 250/500/1000 full up jars contents sunday.just had a sample of the grapey walter the tastes and smells arnt high up my list,its the effect for me at the end of the day :biggrin::thumbsup::coffee::smoking::woohoo::yay::woody:ive had grapey walter before and it was top 5 border top 3............its top 3 now.sweet white grapes juicy no dry mouth with this one an eyball sweater,lil bit of a tickle.
on with the pics before this turns into a pavlova
im out of tea...ahh :coffee:and a new rocket :smoking:
the 1L gang day 39
1L trio day 39.JPG

i cocked up a bit with forgetting to water them,but got away with it.
purple nuggets 3L day 46
purple nuggets 3L day 46.JPG

ribena and gooseberries half is a bit paler and a bit scuffy,no idea what it is or could be i upped the cal/mag or is it mag/cal :shrug:and the bloom a bit im sure it will live.would be sensible to test out me flashy new pen ph.
double grape 3L day 67
double grape 3L day 67.JPG

a bit of upside down grapey walter

if ya can get to the half way mark,you will like the 2nd half better :jointman:

keep er lit,keep er between the hedges,keep er clean,clean sideways,and for fucks sake no cursing yer granny be watching this

im burping the grapey walter in 5 half/three quarters jars,il weight the 250/500/1000 full up jars contents sunday.just had a sample of the grapey walter the tastes and smells arnt high up my list,its the effect for me at the end of the day [emoji3][emoji106]:coffee::smoking::woohoo::yay::woody:ive had grapey walter before and it was top 5 border top 3............its top 3 now.sweet white grapes juicy no dry mouth with this one an eyball sweater,lil bit of a tickle.
on with the pics before this turns into a pavlova
im out of tea...ahh :coffee:and a new rocket :smoking:
the 1L gang day 39
View attachment 968625
i cocked up a bit with forgetting to water them,but got away with it.
purple nuggets 3L day 46
View attachment 968629 View attachment 968630
ribena and gooseberries half is a bit paler and a bit scuffy,no idea what it is or could be i upped the cal/mag or is it mag/cal :shrug:and the bloom a bit im sure it will live.would be sensible to test out me flashy new pen ph.
double grape 3L day 67
View attachment 968626
a bit of upside down grapey walter
View attachment 968627
if ya can get to the half way mark,you will like the 2nd half better :jointman:

keep er lit,keep er between the hedges,keep er clean,clean sideways,and for fucks sake no cursing yer granny be watching this

Wow [emoji481][emoji482][emoji12]
Looking great the grapy Walter
Bud looks like some good smoke.[emoji91][emoji150][emoji100][emoji90]

Nice to see you got some purple developing too! Grapey looks lush mate, I know you said it’s all about the effect for you but how does she taste really?
cheers folks :pass:
a few samples of the grapey walter :smokeit:smell im getting a kinda christmass spice,taste is a sweet white grape,juicyness to it no fear of dry mouth.could well be other things will be different after a good cure im sure anyways.Ribbzzy is about the best smoke reporter i know of around here :biggrin:
the not kilner jars 150ml holds 6g
250ml jars hold about 12g
500ml 24g
1000ml 44g why not 48g :shrug:
just a bit of drivvel today
IMG_1311 - Copy.JPG
i can never remember how much headroom i have so drew a picture with added numbers.
the shelf that the light hangs from could be knocked out for 45cm extra.but its handy as it has the fan/filter socket extension,speed controler,timers.there is 2 plugs on the floor but il move em up next time im balls deep in the cupboard.
2 winters ago i think it was real bad cold,i thought about packing in for a month or two.but that would mean 4 months withouth a harvest :yoinks: a old house cupboard above stairs 2 outside walls.few times i been in the cupboard and it 15c. the lil 60w heater on a thermostat set at 22c (was set lower 18c but raised it to try and give it a head start on dropping temps)dont quite cut it.but its a greenhouse heater not meant for heat just to prevent freezing,only seem to be available in uk/euro :shrug: 1ft 60w 2ft 80-120w 3 and 4ft to.
i have another fan i meant to put it ontop of the shelf blowing down on the led,but the fan on the string is pointed at it does the trick,that would only make room cooler to.
im thinking ditch the 1 ft tube i have and get a 2ft tube (£20) run it longways,get rid of the lil shelf,get a wooden box with no front or back (argos £15)put the 6" fan in it,and can still set a pot ontop of it.get an inkbird with high low temps (£28) plug the 2ft tube heater and the 6" fan that i will put il up on the high shelf pointing at the led.will only use 1 plug on the extension and only 1 item will be on at a time.low set at 22c for winter high at 28 summer to keep the led cooler.
i hummed and haa'd over a light cause i didnt want to go over 180w,i dont want to have to throw in a 400w oil filled radiator.behind the mylar is 10mm polystrene doubleled up on the floor,and loads of packaging shit stuffed in the 2ft void under the floor.
I have a tube heater, cracking little thing if you’ve got good airflow to blast the heat around. We’ve got similar kinda height although I loose space on one side because of extraction. How many plants can you fit in there?