Indoor archie gemmill's trophy cabinet

This is why I get paranoid about my rh @archie gemmill, as I understand it mould/rot/fungal spores need the higher humidity to thrive. Mine sits at 35 - 45 but never over that. So far, so good. I hope you get it sorted. Gutted for you.......

my in cupboard hr goes from 40-65 lights on/off just watered/drying pots,and with 2x6" fans i think the cupboard is safe.
the budroot was on the grapey that was hanging up drying in 8 cola was the chunkiest and thats what got the budrot in two places.a combination of it raining for 3 days,and i should have been checking circulation in the box room.maybe speed 1 is fine for most times and speed 2 for when its damp outside.i chopped the top 6" off br was 4" down,i maybe could have salvaged the top 3" :shrug:but being a lazy sod,guesstimating 10% loss im not gonna loose any sleep over it.
i run perpetual grows so that if the worst happens and i loose a whole plant,it will only be 21 days till the next is for the chop...and not the 2 months + of a standard grow.and aslong as i can keep a few sample buds to the side from each grow,i have a buffer:baked: see avatar :pass:and the rest :jointman:

il show the extracts/concentrates some other time :eyebrows:

hmm, not the collector ya say? Man, I've had a tough time with the Mephisto's, Indica Walter was sweet, but in general I don't think they like me, hehe. Your Walters always get me itchy, and reading up seems a strain with size potential. So, I'm thinking month early start in window then into the 10 gal in greenhouse, pump for bloom and pray to the Green Goddess I reap some Mephisto success. If she doesn't pop or struggles too much I have plenty of time to reseed.

its not as if mephisto use on the equator genetics but they are bred in spain warm n sunny,could it be mephistos just dont suit colder climates ? but that dosnt make sense as lot of seed breeders work out of spain.
dampning off is a strange phenomina sp? to me,its a bacteria or some kind of organizm ? it maynot be the soil,because the same thing can happen in a plug ? guessing the cinnamon trick is just an old wives tale :shrug:but then finding out about the nice flutterbies that trash cannabis with their shitting cattapliers :yoinks:

todays postbag
hanna ph pen.JPG

there was a time i would have recommended that yellow ph pen at £6 provided ya got the fluids for it.i spent £30 on bottles of fluids a few years ago.
keep er lit.
my in cupboard hr goes from 40-65 lights on/off just watered/drying pots,and with 2x6" fans i think the cupboard is safe.
the budroot was on the grapey that was hanging up drying in 8 cola was the chunkiest and thats what got the budrot in two places.a combination of it raining for 3 days,and i should have been checking circulation in the box room.maybe speed 1 is fine for most times and speed 2 for when its damp outside.i chopped the top 6" off br was 4" down,i maybe could have salvaged the top 3" :shrug:but being a lazy sod,guesstimating 10% loss im not gonna loose any sleep over it.
i run perpetual grows so that if the worst happens and i loose a whole plant,it will only be 21 days till the next is for the chop...and not the 2 months + of a standard grow.and aslong as i can keep a few sample buds to the side from each grow,i have a buffer:baked: see avatar :pass:and the rest :jointman:View attachment 966958
il show the extracts/concentrates some other time :eyebrows:

its not as if mephisto use on the equator genetics but they are bred in spain warm n sunny,could it be mephistos just dont suit colder climates ? but that dosnt make sense as lot of seed breeders work out of spain.
dampning off is a strange phenomina sp? to me,its a bacteria or some kind of organizm ? it maynot be the soil,because the same thing can happen in a plug ? guessing the cinnamon trick is just an old wives tale :shrug:but then finding out about the nice flutterbies that trash cannabis with their shitting cattapliers :yoinks:

todays postbag
View attachment 966959 £70View attachment 966957
there was a time i would have recommended that yellow ph pen at £6 provided ya got the fluids for it.i spent £30 on bottles of fluids a few years ago.
keep er lit.
Fair enough, I’ll be careful when drying my shizz then. Glad you pointed that out, it helps. As for your have more kilner jars than kilner. :bow:
my in cupboard hr goes from 40-65 lights on/off just watered/drying pots,and with 2x6" fans i think the cupboard is safe.
the budroot was on the grapey that was hanging up drying in 8 cola was the chunkiest and thats what got the budrot in two places.a combination of it raining for 3 days,and i should have been checking circulation in the box room.maybe speed 1 is fine for most times and speed 2 for when its damp outside.i chopped the top 6" off br was 4" down,i maybe could have salvaged the top 3" :shrug:but being a lazy sod,guesstimating 10% loss im not gonna loose any sleep over it.
i run perpetual grows so that if the worst happens and i loose a whole plant,it will only be 21 days till the next is for the chop...and not the 2 months + of a standard grow.and aslong as i can keep a few sample buds to the side from each grow,i have a buffer:baked: see avatar :pass:and the rest :jointman:View attachment 966958
il show the extracts/concentrates some other time :eyebrows:

its not as if mephisto use on the equator genetics but they are bred in spain warm n sunny,could it be mephistos just dont suit colder climates ? but that dosnt make sense as lot of seed breeders work out of spain.
dampning off is a strange phenomina sp? to me,its a bacteria or some kind of organizm ? it maynot be the soil,because the same thing can happen in a plug ? guessing the cinnamon trick is just an old wives tale :shrug:but then finding out about the nice flutterbies that trash cannabis with their shitting cattapliers :yoinks:

todays postbag
View attachment 966959 £70View attachment 966957
there was a time i would have recommended that yellow ph pen at £6 provided ya got the fluids for it.i spent £30 on bottles of fluids a few years ago.
keep er lit.
New PH tool looks cool. Damping off organisms seen to flourish in the cool soils of spring. I've tried cinnamon, didn't work for me. I don't think the fact of being breed in Spain is much of a factor with damping off. Sweet Skunk/Sweet Seeds did great outdoors up here, and she's Spanish. Some strains are hardier and more resistant than others.