Indoor archie gemmill's trophy cabinet

Classic, I have to put my girls back in order too , or they don't fit.

Sent from my comfy chair.
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I don't have the special pheno, but this still made me ask the wife for permission up get one more plant in this year.

Showed her your pic and she said "fine hunny, just make it grow like Archie."

Bluetoof in the dirt, appreciate you buddy!
the 1L trio
1L a day 14.JPG

purple nuggets 3L day 21
purple nuggets 3L day 21.JPG

double grape 3L day 42
double grape 3L day 42.JPG

grapey walter 3L day 63
grapey walter 3L day 63.JPG

bluetoof special 3L day 70
bluetoof special 3L day 70 harvest.JPG

out the cupboard and a light trim.