Indoor Archaic fall 2018 stealth cabinet

Female Seeds Auto Bubble day 39. Showing some frost and starting to smell like mint candy.

Fast Buds Northern Express day 66, starting to look pretty ragged, but still not enough mature trichs. Probably later next week to chop. This stinky girl is why I just ordered a proper carbon filter.


Introducing Mephisto White Crack, tomorrow will be day one.


Here is the family portrait, the white crack is hiding in the back.

northern express is looking the nuts with all that lovely edge frosting :thumbsup: so 3 autopot things and 1 res in the cupboard ? there are cupboards either side of this ? could ya have just the carbon filter in the cupboard with the fan in the cupboard next door ? if the res had a lil fish tank hetaer so could it ? nonono this is a self contained one cupboard grow stop it :naughtystep:

more thoughts on the inkbird...i have a 308 looking at the site i think a 306t would suit your needs better.if i remember you have big swings summer/winter so are looking 2 cooling or 2 heating settings ?
but maybe 2 standard thermostats IMG_3577 - Copy.JPG would do the trick at similar cost.
keep er lit.
Thanks guys. @archie gemmill I really only need it for heating in the winter, I don't really have a way to cool in the summer. I've thought about trying one of those peizoelectric coolers, but they are pretty inefficient. I'll probably just stick to the sun in the summer and let the wind cool it for me.
A peltier cooler like this would probably cool the cabinet by a few degrees at a cost of about 120 watts and a lot of heat to remove from the back side. Its interesting, but probably impractical. This one is only 30 bucks though, so I might try it some day.

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