Indoor Anthro's Perpetual Vol 3: Hempy/Soil/Autos/MarsHydro/Experiments

Picking up steam and doing the final mid-flower stretch out. Bigger ones are making decent pretty flowers. Did some mild Low Stress Training on the first few branch nodes of the biggest ones, nothing major. The girl with the Calcium deficiency isn't really getting better nor worse, I'm up near 200% strength on CalMag supplement lol. It's...just... gonna be like the whole rest of the way, oh well.

Two others ate a good bit of their lowest fan leaves as you can see, way too early, I missed a watering and they were not thrilled with that lol. Gave em a big tea of Molasses, RG Recharge, Humbolt Equilibrium, mychorizae, the other usual organic goodies, and that cheered em up.


So, pretty much doing good. Long way to go before the Mason jars haha!


This one looks like it's starting to make some sugar.
Decided to Supercrop the Mephisto Sour Hound (Correction, that was the Seedsman Auto Kush) main cola to see if I still remembered how lol, kinda late in the game but couldn't do any harm really. Tightened down some of the LST also.

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The ladies are getting into business mode now. Overall health is very high, the couple Calcium deficiencies haven't gotten worse, so it's at least halted or mitigated appropriately.

I bent a couple over just for fun and to make sure I remembered how to, using the pinch-and-bend Supercropping technique, with some added LST. Gonna make a quick tutorial next post.


That newbie in the bottom right is a baby Mephisto Grape Walker Kush for another experiment. I directly topped it right after the first node, going to try training it into a T bush.

The Sour Hound and Blue Amnesia lead the pack on sugar so far, but it's still early.

Sour Hound:

Blue Amnesia
They're making pretty things now! One is putting on her buffcoat lol, the Dinafem Blue Amnesia (top right in pic).

Overall health is still fair-to-good. Calcium deficiency is still a battle as always under LED's but isn't anywhere near the worry zone lol. I'm near 200% on Calcium-Magnesium supplementation haha whew. One has very mild leaf-tip nute burn (bottom left) but honestly that's a good sign, it means I found her maximum nutrient uptake. No biggie. A couple others display mild lower leaf consumption, but again nothing to cry home about. A couple are displaying a bit of P/K deficiency, right on schedule lol oops, the last feeding I gave them the single dose of Canna brand P/K 13-14 as a helper, and will adjust liquid nutrition a bit going forward.

Temps are reaching about 95-98 F in the chamber, so honestly.. this is pretty good standing considering temps and having taken a couple years off of growing haha.

This was really intended as a "let's see if I remember how to do this" round anyway, and within that framework is going quite well.

There are a few grumpy leaves that look unsightly, but I've always maintained that the grower should leave the troubled leaves ON the plant and let the plant take what it needs from them, and remove them only when they are completely dead.

The Dinafem brand Blue up in top right is already having a few pistils turn, it may be the first to finish, despite others growing and preflowering faster!

They're making pretty things now! One is putting on her buffcoat lol, the Dinafem Blue Amnesia (top right in pic).

Overall health is still fair-to-good. Calcium deficiency is still a battle as always under LED's but isn't anywhere near the worry zone lol. I'm near 200% on Calcium-Magnesium supplementation haha whew. One has very mild leaf-tip nute burn (bottom left) but honestly that's a good sign, it means I found her maximum nutrient uptake. No biggie. A couple others display mild lower leaf consumption, but again nothing to cry home about. A couple are displaying a bit of P/K deficiency, right on schedule lol oops, the last feeding I gave them the single dose of Canna brand P/K 13-14 as a helper, and will adjust liquid nutrition a bit going forward.

Temps are reaching about 95-98 F in the chamber, so honestly.. this is pretty good standing considering temps and having taken a couple years off of growing haha.

This was really intended as a "let's see if I remember how to do this" round anyway, and within that framework is going quite well.

There are a few grumpy leaves that look unsightly, but I've always maintained that the grower should leave the troubled leaves ON the plant and let the plant take what it needs from them, and remove them only when they are completely dead.

The Dinafem brand Blue up in top right is already having a few pistils turn, it may be the first to finish, despite others growing and preflowering faster!

Great little garden! Got some nice variety in there... I’m interested in the GWK as I’ve got some myself
Been a while! Harvest and cleanup day!

Okay, of the 8 that made it to finish:

1 just didn't flower and I suspect it wasn't an auto. Was from a sketchy source and I suspect it was a re-labeled random bagseed lol. Just culled it so I could reset the tent, no time to fight with one plant and hold up the next grow.

5 produced okay but look like crap, just not up to my personal jar quality. I quick-trimmed them to put into canna coconut caps in a few days. Looks like I'll just need some more practice to get back in the quality I was a few years ago.

2 made smoking-quality flower, the Seedsman Auto Lemon, and the Dinafem Blue Amnesia. The Lemon smells amazingly strong of fresh cut lemons, which was a real treat. It was kinda lanky and airy though, so it may mostly go into the canna caps too. Going to pick out a few pretties for a small jar cure, see if the lemon smell hangs on.

The Dinafem Blue Amnesia was the beauty queen though. Gave it a quick haircut live, it'll be going totally to the curing jars for smoke.
Here she is:






Probably a good ounce on that one, the six ugly ducklings made several ounces total for cooking. I consume very, very little so this is more than an adequate pull for personal.

Next up I'm going to rebuild my automated watering system that I used years back that brought me some better stability and quality for when I cannot always get to the tent. I've got the seeds ready for next round but need to evaluate and address my shortfalls from this round.

All in all though, a moderate success for 4 grow months!