Indoor Anthro's Perpetual Science Experiment, Veganic, Multi, LED+CFL, Journal + Trials.

yum yum bubblegum!

Rep for a harvest Anthro! Loving the catowl! ^_^


An ounce of yumyums for xmas!! :)


Edit: Oooh - i need to "spread it around" first .. the rep!

... I'm coming back for you anthro!! ^_^
Haha thanks blue! That's a "meowl" and is apparently the new Asian photoshop rage lol, Google image "meowl" and theres tons of funny ones haha

Edit here's some :p

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Final weight of this monster TH Seeds Bubblegum Auto (#2): we were taking good guesses between 25g and 30g. It's 26.6g after taking a couple g for sampling !!! My personal record yet woohoo!!

Oh, and I have a couple grams on a bottom branch that I thought I had pollinated, well :/ I was inspecting a couple calyxes yesterday, no baby seeds :/ empty, failed. But it was good practice! I guess I just pollinated too late or it wasn't viable. No biggie, I wasn't too keen on continuing the line anyways. Better things lie ahead :)

Great Job Anthro.:slap:
I'll just leave this gorgeous Red Poison picture here for you guys to drool over haha ;)

Wow lmao, it did get NOMed! (facepalm) I didn't even know, total surprise haha! Well, I'm flattered, I'll have to try and get some better pics now hahaa! I've seriously put zero effort or attention to this one lol!
Hahaha classic! You never knew???????

Get yourself over to the BOM/POM thread you doofus!! You're 100% NOMMED!!!