Quick update & pics: Everything's trucking along great, no problems still lol. Tent is feeling kinda empty now compared to usual packed lol.

Pink Lady #1 is fine, consuming its lower leaves, fattening up a bit, but the pistils aren't turning as fast. It's very leafy, as you can see, and it's hard to tell in the pics but in real life there's a good bit of bud on there

But it hasn't really entered it's final calyx fattening stage totally...


Grapefruit Punch twins along, also just starting to consume the lower leaves. GP1 on the Left and in second pic is consuming more lower leaf but pistils and calyxes are behind. GP2 on the Right is darker green, shorter, consuming less, and the pistils and calyxes are further along proper.

Blue Dream auto is awesome, still kinda different... Leaves are showing the light and dark verigation, I think it wants a stronger dose of CalMag. Nothing serious though.

Afghan Kush Ryder also looking a bit like it wants a stronger dose of CalMag, but still very healthy. I might whip up a epsom and gypsum watering for them today, or I have the GO CaMg+ that I could hit em with but it's not feeding time for several days still. It's not pronounced enough to warrant a foliar.

The mega stunted Red Poison #2 is preflowering yay! But she's so tiny. Noticed early signs of color shifting

excited to see what cool colors this one cranks out later

Bubblegum #2 is really rockin its bud sites, stretch appears to be over now. It's at least a yardstick tall from the floor lol. Signs of sugars forming on the little calyxes.

All together now, smile! Grrr all that empty space now haha it feels so empty now! Yeah right, there's plenty in there hehe

Plenty of light at least lol.
I need to cut and rig a proper crossbar up in the top of the tent so I can properly attach and arrange my lights. The tent only came with two crossbars that go across depth-wise and my fan and filter are mounted on one, but I need a centered crossbar to go width-wise to hook the lights to. It's all jiggy-rigged at this point. It'll be a quick and cheap fix though, just gotta whip out the power tools yeehawww!