Mephisto Genetics Another Dream Farm Project!

I actually use uva lighting I'm still waiting on led uvb tech that's not stupid expensive I can't fit a uva uvb reptile light in my current setup light wise. But even the specific wave lengths I think play a big role in pheno expression and many other things I just hope to see some more studies on autoflower cannabis so we have clear guides to follow ect.
Another study for Dr Bruce Bugbee and his minions to sort out!
I actually use uva lighting I'm still waiting on led uvb tech that's not stupid expensive I can't fit a uva uvb reptile light in my current setup light wise. But even the specific wave lengths I think play a big role in pheno expression and many other things I just hope to see some more studies on autoflower cannabis so we have clear guides to follow ect.
Don’t worry man I promise, next year we will all start to get some clarity. I AM goin to be doing tissue sample clones to be able to actually test some of this stuff
Here is a pic of the very happy ladies this morning. @Fitzy maaaaan the biggest triple D is a beefy, beastly lady you can’t really see her in this pic but she is goin to be a very big strong girl. I have to show you the crazy ass thick stem on her. I swear it’s as thick as the large royal gorillasquatch24 it’s crazy. I will snap a pic when I go back out there.
Here is a pic of the very happy ladies this morning. @Fitzy maaaaan the biggest triple D is a beefy, beastly lady you can’t really see her in this pic but she is goin to be a very big strong girl. I have to show you the crazy ass thick stem on her. I swear it’s as thick as the large royal gorillasquatch24 it’s crazy. I will snap a pic when I go back out there. View attachment 1226386
Good man that was 1 of the first fem crosses I did almost well actually exactly 4yrs ago so I'm real pleased by how well they do so easy growing and vigorous I will say if you get a mostly diesel pheno it will probably be 1 of the biggest in there the mom diesel was 4ft 2in tall in a 1gal pot and yielded 3.25oz or 3.5ozs would have to look @ my notes so I'm excited to see them in a larger pot. That hubbasquach x Royal gorilla isn't bad at all considering the stress she no doubt indoored. I'm also excited to see the roc gear should be awsome. On a side note I had a conversation with a guy about photos vs autos and it's really funny people can't seem to wrap there head around the fact that 25% thc is 25% thc auto or photo and with good genetics you can yield the same per plant no problem so I asked why he wouldn't run them and he says no auto can hang with a photo and I wouldn't fill a 160 light grow with crappie genetics to which I replied if you bought weed from a dispensery they don't tell you weather it's photo or auto and I've grown last year a seed that was found in a dispensery nug and it was 26%thc (stuff that was bought) and auto which I didn't know then obviously it was basically a bag seed but the autos are already in dispenseries unbenoust to you. He also in another post said he's seen that if he doesn't flush his plants they were harsh and said visually he could tell a difference I lost it laughed so hard it hurt it's really sad to see this though bc this lack of being open to new things is wat hampers real research ect bc not enough people are asking ? let alone the right ? I'm really hoping this way of doing things is coming to an end so we can all benefit really sucks to see people who arnt willing to experiment learn and grow and I think it's why all this bro science is still around and taken as the rule and any other way isn't right so I'm really excited to see wat happens next year with the tissue cultures and I hope other big break throughs happen in genral. Have you got similar interaction with large scale photo growers ect?
Good man that was 1 of the first fem crosses I did almost well actually exactly 4yrs ago so I'm real pleased by how well they do so easy growing and vigorous I will say if you get a mostly diesel pheno it will probably be 1 of the biggest in there the mom diesel was 4ft 2in tall in a 1gal pot and yielded 3.25oz or 3.5ozs would have to look @ my notes so I'm excited to see them in a larger pot. That hubbasquach x Royal gorilla isn't bad at all considering the stress she no doubt indoored. I'm also excited to see the roc gear should be awsome. On a side note I had a conversation with a guy about photos vs autos and it's really funny people can't seem to wrap there head around the fact that 25% thc is 25% thc auto or photo and with good genetics you can yield the same per plant no problem so I asked why he wouldn't run them and he says no auto can hang with a photo and I wouldn't fill a 160 light grow with crappie genetics to which I replied if you bought weed from a dispensery they don't tell you weather it's photo or auto and I've grown last year a seed that was found in a dispensery nug and it was 26%thc (stuff that was bought) and auto which I didn't know then obviously it was basically a bag seed but the autos are already in dispenseries unbenoust to you. He also in another post said he's seen that if he doesn't flush his plants they were harsh and said visually he could tell a difference I lost it laughed so hard it hurt it's really sad to see this though bc this lack of being open to new things is wat hampers real research ect bc not enough people are asking ? let alone the right ? I'm really hoping this way of doing things is coming to an end so we can all benefit really sucks to see people who arnt willing to experiment learn and grow and I think it's why all this bro science is still around and taken as the rule and any other way isn't right so I'm really excited to see wat happens next year with the tissue cultures and I hope other big break throughs happen in genral. Have you got similar interaction with large scale photo growers ect?
Oh yeah every single time I say auto lol. But that is the reason I am doin what I am doin. I am on a mission to prove to photo only growers that their way is inferior on a commercial scale. With my LAG’s I 100%think I can do it
Also I should get all the penos as I have 9 of them in the LAG lmao. All of the others are starting to take off now also, so I am stoked as well.

Oh and I am goin to be building my scrog net today and installing it. I think these older bigger girls have maybe 3 days tops before they are at the 12” mark where I plan to scrog.
It just proves that some people get stuck in a set way of thinking and some as they age, refuse to be open to new matter how hard it slaps them in their face.
Usually people with that mental state, just plain lack the skill of critical thinking and just can't adapt. My parents taught me critical thinking and the military taught me how to utilize it.
It's sad that a very large percentage of people lack that skill nor the desire to acquire it.
Oh yeah every single time I say auto lol. But that is the reason I am doin what I am doin. I am on a mission to prove to photo only growers that their way is inferior on a commercial scale. With my LAG’s I 100%think I can do it

This so hard right now. I am confident that with a 60-70 day turn around and massive yields that auto's can/will be the way of the future!!
It just proves that some people get stuck in a set way of thinking and some as they age, refuse to be open to new matter how hard it slaps them in their face.
Usually people with that mental state, just plain lack the skill of critical thinking and just can't adapt. My parents taught me critical thinking and the military taught me how to utilize it.
It's sad that a very large percentage of people lack that skill nor the desire to acquire it.
This is also where I find myself uniquely qualified for this task. The only thing I know how to do as well or better than grow weed things, is sell. And not just like most who were like yeah I had a sales job etc lol. I don’t think it was here on my thread but this is my leg tattoo that is dedicated to my sales career.

I can sell salt to a slug
I can sell a Starvin dog off a meat wagon
I can sell yellow snow to an Eskimo
I can also sell a ketchup popsicle to a lady In white gloves.

you see sales is nothing but convincing someone of my way of thinking. Over a 15+ year career in sales I honed my craft to become one of the best in the country. You see it all starts with respect. In sales psychology once you tell someone something they thought they knew, and they believe you, you will have earned what’s called initial respect gratitude. It just means that they will show you a gratitude by letting you continue to convince them of your way of thinking, basically they keep letting you talk and taking the information in and actually absorbing that info. Vs just shutting down and making their mind up.
So in this case it allllllllll starts with the bud. You have got to SHOW these folks and specifically not tell them that the weed is auto. If they don’t have the biased goin in it makes the initial respect process extremely easy. When they see the weed they say “daaaaamn that’s fire” and when you say it’s auto they immediately go through stages of acceptance. Because you destroyed their initial biases they kinda don’t know what to do from a psychology stand point, it makes them shift paradigms quite rapidly. Almost like coming up to someone and showing them a magic trick. They all the sudden are flooded with thoughts of “what could be.” So at first they do not believe you, it’s their brains protecting them from something “too good to be true” so this is where you have a unique opportunity to provide verifiable concrete evidence that they can SEE. This is when you have won, when they accept the info without bias and pre conceived notions. Thennnnnn the questions start to come, at first laced with alllll of the skepticism one can muster in their tone. Like”oh yeah well how do you keep the bugs out( or whatever question they have)” in a tone that suggests you are sayin you have invented time travel lol. When you answer that question quickly, precisely and to their satisfaction, they ask more and more questions and each with less and less skepticism until voila by then end they take your word as gospel and then they in turn become advocates for the shifting of the industries stigmas. Ok crazy sales psychology rant over. Sorry once I get on a roll it’s hard to stop.
Yeah, I get ya.
In my younger days, I sold the best product.......ME! It was actually pretty easy in corporate America. While there are some exceedingly intelligent CEO's, they generally delegate to far less intelligent and sharp individuals. While NOT bullshitting them, it was generally pretty easy to impress them and have them eating out of you hand. I've never been turned down on a job, but I sure have turned down quite a few.
After I left corporate America, tired of mergers and the crap that goes with it, I looked for something stimulating. I turned to my love before I entered the military, making cars fast. Saying technology made my old school knowledge obsolete is an understatement. I taught myself how to tune modern computer controlled vehicles. A long time friend had a performance shop. I showed him what I had built and how well it performed on the street and strip......selling myself again. It was not work in my mind, even though it was blood sweat and tears most of the time. I was having fun! Selling $250K builds was as fun as giving a guy a dyno tune and both were just as easy. The only difference was the client's level of disposable income. My friend was ecstatic! The fugger took me to a "Gentleman's club" after I sold a stupid crazy build to a major league baseball player. I was excited about the build, the money aspect was just a bonus!
It all comes down to knowing your product. More often than not, the product you're selling is YOU! The other stuff is superfluous .