Lighting !!Anonymous purchase!! Start of summer giveaway.

Have a give away to someone that can best demonstrate how he or she would use the light to grow free meds for people that need it. Just like the anon person who paid for the lights, carry that giving idea forward to where it really counts - helping people in need.
That’s a wonderful thought and sentiment, but how would anyone actually demonstrate that? I live in an illegal place and while I make tinctures, salves, and edibles for friends and family members I would have no way of proving that. Not like someone that gets an illegal product from me is going to vouch for me. :shrug:
That’s a wonderful thought and sentiment, but how would anyone actually demonstrate that? I live in an illegal place and while I make tinctures, salves, and edibles for friends and family members I would have no way of proving that. Not like someone that gets an illegal product from me is going to vouch for me. :shrug:

Yes, probably not very practical but the idea was nice. It would be nice to come up with something along the same lines that is actually doable. Oh yell, it is the thought that counts.
Every time I think about this giveaway I remember back to my first real giveaway. The meme war. Still get a kick out of these.

Actually the first giveaway was best pipe pic. 2 people posted and a staff jumped in and declared the winner after a few minutes. So much for that lol.
