Happy as a pig in sh!t, thanks to the current sale I'm picking up 2 more Amares. This will make 5 total! Even though the cmh315 is an amazing light with super high efficiency for a single bulb unit it's no comparison to the Amare. I have one in veg and one barely covering a monster moby dick but they are soon going to be feeling the power. Pictures of the new Amare room coming soon lol.
Happy as a pig in sh!t, thanks to the current sale I'm picking up 2 more Amares. This will make 5 total! Even though the cmh315 is an amazing light with super high efficiency for a single bulb unit it's no comparison to the Amare. I have one in veg and one barely covering a monster moby dick but they are soon going to be feeling the power. Pictures of the new Amare room coming soon lol. View attachment 592463
Looking stellar BigSmo simple as that bro
Personally I love mine and all 3 are performing exceptionally well. As growmau always says watts are meaningless, par watts are what matters. That's why cree cobs performs so well. For instance my old pos kind k5's were 22.5% efficient. 225 par watts. I have nearly the same par watts with Amare at 500 less wall watts. The people who understand lighting efficiency very rarely doubt these.
@astronomy420a @Wile e Peyote @sanguine...... hell @all afn members

LISTEN CLOSE ...... I will only put this out 1 time. I am in charge of the Amare threads and what goes on inside them. If you are a fan of amare or you hate amare I could not care less. But what will not be tolerated in the Amare threads is back and forth argument over something that does not matter.

If you dis approve of amare in any way. You are more than welcome to come in and post it in a review thread, but you DAMN WELL better have an amare panel and the proof to back up anything you say about it.

We are here to grow and show with Amare panels and give HONEST straight foward non biased feedback. If the folks who pay for their lights and are now Journaling with them and love the growth want to brag on them by all means go ahead. It's your light you paid for it and you have the proof in front to you. If you bought the panel and it won't grow squat and you want your money back. By all means post that too.

As stated above if you do not like LED or AMARE or expensive lights or COB or anything else in these threads by all means... DO NOT BUY IT and keep it moving. We do not need negative comments just because of your OPINION about something.

This thread will be opened again after this cools off.

Anyone with ANY CONCERN at all I'm just a p.m away and here almost 24 hrs a day.... and I promise we can get to the bottom of things very quickly.
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What A-Train said.............

chill guys...........LED panels have for ever been a hot bed of issues on AFN.............My panel is better than yours etc etc

AFN has always been the most tolerant and fair minded site on the Net. We will never tolerate bad mouthing, swearing and negative posting without damn good evidence.

I am surprised at some of the names here, I don't know what was said, I don't care. But if AT says that, I'm behind him 100%

Time out.............or I will come around to your house and leave some fishy farts ! I know where you live ! eP.
For any interested in seeing these panels in action in a fully documented grow with many many pictures feel free to check out my current grow in the amare section. I do only have the regular panels, not the cob, but cob and full documentation coming soon......buds are filling out Nicely and I'll put up my review as the grow finishes up.
@A-Train can't wait to see your grow bro!
Me too lol. I'm ready to give this panel a go and let the plants do the talkng. I'm going to document everything fully and bring the feedback to the members of afn to the best of my ability. Sure I'll be comparing this light to other leds I've used as well as HPS. But it's too easy just to say brand X and leave it be ya know.