Sweet Seeds Al's next SWEET TLO grow

Oh yeah,, and then He puts the foam on his pancakes. :Haha:
Day 14

They seem to like the tea.

AKR (no flash)

DD (with flash, the one without turned out shitty)

My humidifier has been on the fritz so the RH has been hovering around 45%. I patched things up and got it up to 60% but I'm having trouble holding it. I basically have the humidifier (it looks like a frog) outside of the tent with the only intake hose sitting directly on top of the humidifier vent. Is there anything I can do inside the tent to increase humidity? I don't have a ton of room...

Also how often does everyone feed/give teas? As in every other watering, ever watering, etc...
Yeah my AKR loves tea, and anything Sweet Seeds seems to particularly thrive and blow up from teas and anything organic :) that DD is pretty darn big for D 14 wowie! Excellent :) Gonna be a fun one for ya!
Also I've solved my temperature/humidity problem. The humidifier had a stuck switch that wasn't kicking on the fan to blow out the mist. I ended up buying a new one (a Vick's cold mist humidifier) and the humidity has been between 55-60% and the temp has been 72-80 degrees (72 is lights out).
So what does everyone put in their water in between teas? I'll definitely be using CalMag but is there anything else that you should give your plant every watering?
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Well not really,some cal mag every other watering or tea which ever place your at at the moment and you can add some big bloom through flower with watering but you really dont need to.:Sharing One:
Well not really,some cal mag every other watering or tea which ever place your at at the moment and you can add some big bloom through flower with watering but you really dont need to.:Sharing One:
Awesome, the simpler the better! I usually add cal-mag every watering due to using LEDs.