Sweet Seeds Al's next SWEET TLO grow

yeah I didnt think so,its a heavier composted tea,but you'll see it work really quick id bet.especially if you use the big bloom n stuff and make a gallon n a half total feed.maan thats something i would have made myself and stuck on me plants man.LOL!:Sharing One:

well a gallon and a cpl quarts or so.and save the teabag stuff too.also, by tonight you may wanna pull the stones out and scrub them down and/or swap them out with fresh ones and you can add a small sprinkle of GW.just a little like 1/3 scoop at best.did you make a teabag?take the stuffs and your soil ,you can break that all up n just lay it on the top for a few days coverd and then check it and break that all up again and mix all your soil again.
Yup tomorrow afternoon I'll add the Big Bloom and CaMg+ to the half gallon and mix it all up. I'll post pics in the next couple of days to show the growth.
Oh and these Earthworm castings that were made locally are freaking beautiful. Not at all dried up or grainy like the last shit.
there nice and moist anywho,that alone is a decent sign,AWESOME!!maaaan, if you really wanna get creative take a 1/3 of a cup and stick them in the blender of just pulp them if you want and add them to some kelp liquid and big bloom once you mix your teas.NOT NOT in this case LMFAO but for future reference,it wirks well especially if you use EWC in the bag too along with a jolt of pulped stuffs.kinda like a big bloom.next time around ya can do that if ya want.then a day later turn that into your soil.the silts n stuff that'll be left on top.
yeah I didnt think so,its a heavier composted tea,but you'll see it work really quick id bet.especially if you use the big bloom n stuff and make a gallon n a half total feed.maan thats something i would have made myself and stuck on me plants man.LOL!:Sharing One:

well a gallon and a cpl quarts or so.and save the teabag stuff too.also, by tonight you may wanna pull the stones out and scrub them down and/or swap them out with fresh ones and you can add a small sprinkle of GW.just a little like 1/3 scoop at best.did you make a teabag?take the stuffs and your soil ,you can break that all up n just lay it on the top for a few days coverd and then check it and break that all up again and mix all your soil again.
Nah I didn't make a bag I just dumped everything in and stirred it all up. I'll rinse the stones here shortly though, good suggestion. So you're saying dump the slurry on top and then mix it in.
just be sure to strain it prior to mixing anything else.and buy a tea extraction bag or nylons of cheese cloth and make a bag and let it hover from the bottom of the container and make sure it moves about if you can.not super necessary,just a hint of good air flow.

the strained materials spread evenly over a small section of your soil.boutr 12X12 inches or so and let it sit for a cpl days or so and then check it out..THEN bust it up more and/or just mix it up in the remainder of your soil.
Best of Luck....nothing taste better than Organics