Lighting All LED Indoor Grow- Quantum Boards vs AutoCob's

Early AM Xmas Eve update.......

I am very proud of how this plant is coming along and it has a few special traits unlike it's two sibling's I hope it's a girl and I think this one is we shall see. The longer she grows the more I like her, this is my second strain Nightmare Kush (Satori X Narcotic Kush Auto)

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Here's a shot of the veg tent, all the plants were watered and fed. Ionic Grow, Cal-Mag Plus, and Ful-Power. Everyone was sprayed down with my Method 1 PPS as well. Then I went on and did bend tops (LST) let's see how they bounce back, plants seem to really like the COB's higher up and the 6500K spectrum for veg (had success with these in the recent past)

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And last but not least the big boy tent. Temps are steady at 80, and humidity at around 45% right now with the weather swings etc. I am VERY satisfied with how this run is starting off and really liking the Pro Mix BX mixed with the rice hulls and going back to nutes so far. I am excited about this run and have high expectations of myself. Even my Sunflower is blowing up LOL

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Lower wattage/intensity but covering just about every inch of the plant. This side branches are going to explode well past the main in no time.
Xmas update from the garden. Man am I exhausted after running after 3 girls all day with their energy and excitement and then some gardening, but hey the grower is always on duty right. I did nothing in the Auto tent except peek in and take a picture from one of the sides this time. Everything looks happy and healthy as can be in there.


Here's a shot of the Veg tent tonight before I watered/fed and foliar sprayed. The foliar tonight was spinosad. Now for the feed and water, I top dressed with Happy Frog Fruit and Flower, Bio Fish, Balted Marley, and Oyster Shell Flour. I also filled in the top and sides of all the pots with straight promix. The water contained Fish Emulsion, Ful- Power, Aloe Powder, Coconut Powder, Silica, and Organic Molasses. I also put in the Ionic at 1/4 recommended strength. This was Phd's to 6.2. I wanted to give the girls a good boost but try not to burn the shit out of them, and while my two shitty plants in this tent are looking better they still look hungry. I am happy with how it's coming along and very pleased with how they all responded to the LST.


Here's a shot of one of my Sour Hound Auto's, very happy with how this is going in here, I have not used nutes in quite some time and been a while since I have been in a soil less medium. Can't say I'm not nervous lol.


I took my Fookies out for a walk tonight, hope it's a girl loving how this is coming along


And last but not least a shot of my Sunflower


Hope everyone had a good Xmas and thanks for checking in
Few shots from today I only watered the rock wool cubes of the clones nothing else. The veg tent got a foliar spray of Method 1 pps. I was able to order more nutrients today and decided to go back to where I started. Flora Nova Grow and Bloom. I was very pleased with these nutes last time I used them. Also ordered some Protekt silica. Gonna need one more AutoCob to hang in the closet just for clones I think and I'm good. Still want to get the (2) 4x4 floor trays for the big tent but they're not cheap lol......

Now we cruise into the new year.......

Well, Evil went shopping online today :)

Got the following ordered:
- Flora Nova Grow
- Flora Nova Bloom
- Protekt Silica
- (2) 4x4 Flood Trays for the big tent
- Method 1 PPS
- New scissors (2)
- (1) Bale of Promix BX
- (1) Light Timer

Between now and just after the new year everything should arrive. I will be stocked up for now on the things I need and have a few of the items for the grow that I have wanted. Just need to get a big rubber maid trash can for my watering/feeds and I'm good I will have everything in place how I have wanted it. Pics to come later tonight. Will be watering and feeding the big tent tonight and misting the clones as well.

Well here's some shots of the garden tonight. All I did was mist the clones and spray the 4x8 with method 1 pps. I also watered the babies in the veg tent and the 4x8 and plucked one of the SH's that wasn't growing and tossed the Auto Gorilla baby in it's place. Tomorrow I will probably water in the 4x8 and put 4 HBS seeds into dirt and transplant one more Skywalker baby into a [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] pot. Really happy with how this run is starting off with just pro mix/rice hulls, and a one part nute.

Few shots of the Veg tent


And the 4x8


And my Sunflower


Thanks for checking in
Man what a long day. Last day with the kids in town they leave tomorrow at lunch time. Been a wonderful but exhausting visit. But, that's parenting lol. I wouldn't trade it for anything. Anyhow, tonight I watered and fed EVERYONE in the garden lol. Long night after the girls went to bed. I've had stuff that I ordered start to trickle in, and I now as of today have the items I needed for my veg regimen. This will consist of the following: Flora Nova Grow, Ful-Power, Protekt, and Cal-Mag Plus. GH PH Down used as needed. My source water is filtered well water about as good as it gets. Much better than my house back home. I have A LOT of pics tonight so there will be a couple posts from me on my update. I am VERY happy with how the 4x8 is kicking off and extremely happy with how the veg tent has bushed out and the sick looking plants have bounced back. The seedlings are popping up nicely as well and I just can't stop staring at the Purple Envy. The flower tent is still off as there is nothing ready to flower yet. I am awaiting for the plants to finish sexing and they just keep growing and not sexing. One of my Dark Plasma's from Ocean Grown I really hope it's a girl (and think it is), she is just beasting out, and has me considering doing my first SCROG. I think I could easily fill my 3x3 with her. She's 19" tall right now but 24" wide at the widest point as of tonight lol. I also topped all of the Sour Hounds tonight. So anyways, here we go on the tour of the garden, sorry this is all with my Camera on the cell phone and I'm no pro photographer:

The veg tent:


This is the seedlings in the veg tent, (4) Vienna Skunk from HSO and the first seed of one of my crosses Jelly Bean [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] (Satori X GG#4)


This is the Purple Envy


This is the big Dark Plasma (Ocean Grown Seeds)


This is my Fookies


This is one pheno of my second cross Nightmare Kush ( Satori X Narcotic Kush Auto)


This is another pheno of the Nightmare Kush (Satori X Narcotic Kush Auto)


This plant from above has one monster double cola where I topped her I just love it, this is her recovering after some LST and a supercrop a few days ago lol


Here's the 4x8 tent with the Auto's

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