Lighting All LED Indoor Grow- Quantum Boards vs AutoCob's

I don't empty them. The plants suck up a lot of the run off the first 24 hours after watering and the rest gets evaporated. If you did not want that you could always use a shop vac and suck out the run off but I see no need with the no till plants. Has never given me an issue.

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Few shots from tonight


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Well put some work in just need to clean and scrub down the false floor but other than that this baby is ready for some COB's and some plants !

Well the Auto's are coming along and the girls in veg and bushing up and getting darker so I'm happy. I went in and watered both tents today and did a foliar in veg with bloom chaos from nectar for the gods with Ful-Power. Hope everyone has a good weekend, here's a few shots of the grow:

Good job. Plants look healthy as can be.

TY it's a lot of work and monitoring and little details. But good therapy.

Well Snuck in to give another foliar in the veg tent so snapped more pics of the girls.







Deep Blue C


Deep Blue C


Deep Blue C


Shot of the entire tent


Shot of the veg tent "after" being sprayed down again. coming along almost there


Thanks for checking in
I might do the same actually. Just can’t bring myself to scrap it till I give the QB a full run. In the mean time I’ll probably add another autocob to the tent as well lol

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Ok, small update with no pics those will come later today.

I ordered the COB's I needed for the 4x8 so those will be coming in the near future. The plan is (6) Autocobs on each half of the tent in 3500K and I am going to move my auto's to the big tent, yes that's right my auto's lol. I am going to change things slightly with my medium and grow technique to test out. I will be mixing my organic soil 50/50 with Pro Mix BX and using Ionic grow and bloom at like 1/4 strength and feed once a week or as needed we will see. I am also going to use Ful-Power and Bloom Chaos together as a Foliar spray. I will be adding Hydroplex to the mix in bloom as well to the feedings in flower. I am going to run 3 gallon fabric pots and see how it goes. I have been finding with most strains I get the same yields with 3 or 5 gallon pots so why use more product than needed. Cal-Mag may be used we shall see how the plants do without it first.

In the future I will be looking at setting up some type of Blumat system and then my grow will be where I want it to be basically.

So here we go again let's see how this turns out. I am VERY happy with the way the two smaller tents are going now. I will finish the current auto's organically as they're close to being done and the veg tent I already started the transition to the new regimen with the last feeding.

I think that's all for now........... thanks for checking in :peace: