Lighting All LED Indoor Grow- Quantum Boards vs AutoCob's

Happy Turkey Day more of an update to come after the Holiday

are all of those autocobs 3500K?

And what happened to the quantum boards?
are all of those autocobs 3500K?

And what happened to the quantum boards?

Yes all of these COB's are 3500K, it's my favorite spectrum to use from Citizen when I need a light that can veg and flower. I will soon be getting more and setting up a larger area to run auto's only on a perpetual basis. I sold the Quantum Boards a while back. Prefer the COB's for the ability to move them around easier, both up and down, and physical placement in the grow. And it's easy to add some or remove some depending what the situation requires. For someone like me running a grow like I do where things are constantly changing the ability to adjust these lights like this is golden. Plus I liked how my plants were growing better with the COB's than the QB's. Not knocking the QB's the Auto cob's just fit me better. Everyone's situation is different.
Yes all of these COB's are 3500K, it's my favorite spectrum to use from Citizen when I need a light that can veg and flower. I will soon be getting more and setting up a larger area to run auto's only on a perpetual basis. I sold the Quantum Boards a while back. Prefer the COB's for the ability to move them around easier, both up and down, and physical placement in the grow. And it's easy to add some or remove some depending what the situation requires. For someone like me running a grow like I do where things are constantly changing the ability to adjust these lights like this is golden. Plus I liked how my plants were growing better with the COB's than the QB's. Not knocking the QB's the Auto cob's just fit me better. Everyone's situation is different.

Nice to see the full run being done with a bunch of 3500K instead of mixing them up with multiple spectrum lights which would be more of a hassle to manage. And I love the way they are so easy to move around too. Its not like you have to change exhaust duct and fans like you would if moving HPS lights around a tent. So simple to just hang a light off a ratchet line and maybe tilt it if needed.
Nice to see the full run being done with a bunch of 3500K instead of mixing them up with multiple spectrum lights which would be more of a hassle to manage. And I love the way they are so easy to move around too. Its not like you have to change exhaust duct and fans like you would if moving HPS lights around a tent. So simple to just hang a light off a ratchet line and maybe tilt it if needed.

Exactly! To me this gives the end user better use of the watts being used. You could literally hang a light per plant if you wanted too and the plants would be just fine. When I am done transitioning I will have cut my power use for light more than in half in total. See the thing is no one thinks about how much time you have lights on in a grow. With Auto's especially you can get away with less watts in total because your lights are on the same or more as comparing to a regular 12/12 with photo's. I will be making my main area soon the auto area and using the smaller areas for my screwing around with the photo's and breeding. I am so excited can't wait but it will take a little time for financial reasons.
Finished the trim on my first cross "Doggie Dreams". Smoke is smooth and the high is incredible I am so happy with this one. I bred her with the original male because I liked the pheno so much, so I got only 2 zips from her of good buds, the rest was larfy shit i could crumble with my fingers and trim and seeds. Still have a long ways to go as a grower but the breeding is going good so far.

Got my 3x3 trays in both the smaller tents on the floor. Watering life is much easier and faster now. Still some more tasteful changes to come. Have been doing a lot of cleanup the last couple of days. Things are getting closer to where I want them to be little by little.

Hey @Evil-Mobo , I assume that the trays are for run-off. Do you then empty the trays (ie.: drain them,...), or do you let them evaporate naturally? Very interested in your setup as it will be similar to my new closet (22"d x 40"w x 70"h).
I thought I would put trays under my plants to catch run-off but worry that the added humidity from evap my cause the rh in the cabinet to rise and possibly cause problems. TIA for any help.