Lighting All LED Indoor Grow- Quantum Boards vs AutoCob's

Few shots from tonight:


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Bare naked ladies

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First part of my COB order came in so I decided to hang a 5th light in each 3x3. My tents are oversized and almost 4x4 so I felt another COB was in order we will see. When the rest of my order comes in the 3x3's will be used for my photo's and one will run (5) 3k COB's and the other will run (5) 6500k COB's the 4x8 will get the autos and all the 3500K lights.

(5) 3500K is pulling 296 at the wall on my kill a watt meter. I forgot what thread it was but someone was asking.

Here's a few shots from tonight

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I am very happy for the switch up. The autos being in the big space will explode. Especially with the other changes as well. I agree on the pot sizes. When running smaller strains I don’t see the point going much bigger but I do see a difference in larger strains. Not sure if this really makes sense or not but I notice bigger plants in taller pots. The width never seemed to matter much. I currently have some short 5g’s and the plants aren’t to big but the taller 5’s are much bigger. Maybe the length of the tap root.
Nice looking plants. And nice setup with the different tents and photoperiods and combination of autocob light spectrum.
I am very happy for the switch up. The autos being in the big space will explode. Especially with the other changes as well. I agree on the pot sizes. When running smaller strains I don’t see the point going much bigger but I do see a difference in larger strains. Not sure if this really makes sense or not but I notice bigger plants in taller pots. The width never seemed to matter much. I currently have some short 5g’s and the plants aren’t to big but the taller 5’s are much bigger. Maybe the length of the tap root.
Ive noticed tall pots = taller, narrowed plants as well, Smo. I the grew the same strain in wide 4 gallon pots and got short, wide bushes. Then grew them in 1 gallon pots that were tall and they grew almost 24"... but way more spindly with elongation between nodes. Same lights, feed and schedule - identical really.
Pot size and shape mean quite a bit to how the plants develop no doubt.

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Seeded plants prefer deeper soil. Clones prefer wider shallower soil.
We got snow lol

Today the girls all got a special treat of a feed. Just something extra not necessarily needed. I had some blue organic corn seeds sprouting and they were ready. Put that in the water along with Ful-Power, and Organic Molasses for the girls in veg, in flower they got the same but with Hydroplex added. The girls in veg also got a foliar spray of Bloom Kaos/Ful-Power.

Veg tent


And a shot of the Auto tent and a few of the Auto's in there


Thanks for checking in
A little over night plant training in the veg tent for my photo's. Poor plants lol


Shot of two little tester nugs I took from the very bottom of the Skywalker that's almost done

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