Lighting All LED Indoor Grow- Quantum Boards vs AutoCob's

Ok guys update for this morning. Today everyone was fed/watered again. Ionic Grow 4tsp/gallon, Cal-Mag+ 5ml/gallon, Ful-Power 20ml/gallon, and Hydro Guard 2ml/gallon. EC 1.8 and PH 6.0 I also sprayed everyone down tonight with some Capt Jacks Deadbug. Just part of my IPM.

View from the Captains chair........


The veg closet:


The QB tent:


And the AutoCob tent:


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It's amazing how much height you need to run the cobs.

You actually do not. I have them at that height right now on purpose. I am trying to get the girls to stretch more so I can flip the lights to 12/12 I want them taller but they're begging to be flowered we will see how much longer I can hold off...... when I had the cob's in veg I had a couple of plants right to the COB's with no issues. Just remember not all strains react the same that's why there is a range that works best you have to read your plants.
Ok guys. I have been feeling a lot better lately. No sleep last night and running around all day just finished with the girls. Didn't do as much as I want But there's still the weekend. Starting meditating again and new opportunities immediately presented themselves just good vibes right now. Still no pain meds just the cannabis and the "essential meds" as I call them but none are for pain. Steroid, Steroid Booster, and a pill for my stomach. Doc says my insides are lined with something not from this world LOL.


Ok onto the grow. Watered and fed tonight Ionic Grow 4.5tsp/gallon, Cal-Mag+ 5ml/gallon, Ful-Power 20ml/gallon and Hydro Guard 2ml/gallon. EC 2.0 and PH 6.0. Girls looked a little hungry and drank a lot we are hitting growth spurts all around so I bumped the EC a little and will try some multiple feeds per day for a day or so and see what happens.

Veg Closet- I am liking how the male cut is coming along now and the seedlings. I think I have 2 girls out of the three but it's still early just putting it down to reference back to been a minute since I have had to sex plants. I also think one of my Doggie Dreams is an Auto wouldn't that be fun, keeping an eye on that one because if so it will need a transplant ASAP.


Next up is the AutoCob tent- These GG#4 girls are BEGGING to flip. I will most likely do it in the next couple days just need to clean out the cloner and get it setup somewhere space is tight LOL because I need cuts, not letting this go just yet. I am happy with their structure just wish the smaller one was a little taller already but she was up potted much after the other one.


And last but not least the controversy tent. The QB 3x3 for flower with the auto's right now. Tonight was the first heavy defol for these girls. Look on with horror and cringe. I took it easy on them and didn't strip ALL the fan leaves like I usually do the first time. Took it easy on them. I am positive my three Skywalkers from Mephisto are 3 different phenos from what I am seeing. The Auto Pounders look like similar phenos just one is a little lagging behind. If the runt doesn't bounce back from the defol she's getting plucked. I don't like how she's growing anyways. Stem is crooked and shit but I will wait a bit. So now they have had their topping and their first defol. I will be pushing these girls since I am running nutes this time. First week of flower they will still get the veg nutes.


Thanks for checking in and hope everyone has a great weekend. :hump:
Today's update from the garden. Things cruising right along. All the plants were watered and fed. Ionic Grow 4.5 tsp/gallon, Cal-Mag+ 5ml/gallon, Ful-Power 20ml/gallon, and Hydro Guard 2ml/gallon. EC was 2.0 and PH 6.2.

The Gorilla Glue [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG] is bushing up nicely and strong, smaller plant hit 24" from the coco today so I'm going to take cuts and flip the lights in the next 1-2 days. Interested to see this finicky strain flower out.


Today I lowered the QB down to 24" on top of the auto's they started bouncing back very nicely after the defoliation yesterday. I'm tripping out how different all 3 of the Skywalkers are. Still eyeballing the runt Auto Pounder not sure on her o_O


And then we have the veg closet. Very happy with everything in here. Still waiting on the seedlings to sex. The Purple Envy in the center/back is growing up nicely too.


Thanks for checking in :peace:
@BigSm0 I know how much you love my strip downs LOL :pighug:

Ok guys. Finally got some sleep yesterday like all day literally. Feel great today spent like 6 hours in the garden. Working for a bit and taking breaks but just a lot to do. Heavy defoliation day today. Everyone was watered and fed. Ionic Grow 4.5 tsp/gallon, Cal-Mag+ 5ml/gallon, Ful-Power 20ml/gallon, Hydro Guard 2ml/gallon. EC 1.9 and PH 6.2

Shot of the GG#4 girls in the Auto Cob tent:


Here's a shot of the Autos two days post their defoliation:


And a shot of the veg closet tonight after Defol:


Need to take cuts soon from the GG#4 girls after they bounce back from Defol and then flip the lights. There are bud sites EVERYWHERE on those girls going to be interesting seeing this tent fill up here soon.

Thanks for checking in
Ok today's garden update. Watered and fed the plants today. Ionic Grow 4tsp/gallon, Cal-Mag+ 5ml/gallon, Ful-Power 20ml/gallon, and Hydro Guard 2ml/gallon. EC was 1.9 and PH 6.2

Shot of the the Gorilla Glue [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG] Girls that I stripped down yesterday


Shot of the Auto's in the QB tent:


Shot of the Veg closet that was also stripped down yesterday:


And last but not least a guest appearance from my old Satori Male, yes that's right the pot has just been sitting in the room catching light only when I am working in there and no water and homeboy is re-vegging, LOL!


Guess I picked a good Dude to breed with LOL :mrgreen:

Thanks for checking in
Oh man!! Those poor plants lol. Just messing with you. If I pulled my dainty leaves my plants would look just like it.

Funny to see the male working it back to life. I can take pictures to prove this but I had a crazy situation with re-vegging. I dropped a few seeds as a test for afn 6 months ago now. Well the things hermied on me and I threw them into an area I ditch pots, yard debris and all that junk. Long term compost. I had chopped up the soil and ran them over with my Kubota to break things down faster. 100's of 14" round dirt circles isn't appealing. So I just dumped more pots and went to run them over and I saw in the back a stalk and decent sized bud poking up. Somehow some way the thing survived and started growing all over again. No clue how this could have happened. It looks terrible mind you and no way would I consume it. Took long enough but I realize why they call it weed now.
The will to survive is amazing at time. Im not genetic developer/ breeder but seems that thing got some resilience might be something in that could be useful in our applications