Lighting All LED Indoor Grow- Quantum Boards vs AutoCob's

Getting your 5x9 back EM? lol you'll be renting a warehouse next.

Yup and my old 2x4 too I think. There's space in the room I grow in for it. Just unfortunately cannot make the room a dedicated room as far as permanent changes. But honestly I have grow so use to the tents............

But the old 600W Blue MH and 1K HPS will be back in action soon until I can get more lights lol....................

Ok guys garden update tonight. Today was more house keeping but a little gardening as the girls in the veg closet needed to be watered and fed. They got their usual of Ionic Grow, Epsom, Calcium from NFG, and I threw hydro guard in today to see if it helps, since it's on hand. Everything is on cruise control with the purple envy bouncing back BUT, my (2) GG#4 plants are still off. One worse than the other. I will give them another week or so to see if we can figure out what's going on but if not it might be time to chop them there's just too much going on and the spaces do have need to be used as efficiently as possible. Playing with a sick plant or two is not that lol.

After that I peeked in on the QB tent with the Sky walkers and everything is good, as is the male in the COB tent with the Narcotic Kush hanging in the second half.

So the big news today is I got some unexpected family help to get the exercise gear out of the g'room

Some of my old stuff will be coming back but no more exercise station and two treadmills. The tents in the pic are my two 3x3's. I will soon have enough space for my wants and needs where I will comfortably be able to run my perpetual for the meds and still keep my breeding projects going but without one interrupting the other.........

Thanks for checking in

Nice looking place you got there. Chop the drywall, replace with green board. 2 coats of zinzer and a layer of Mylar. 20-30 autocobs and some 7 gallon pots. Lol. Justfukinwitcha.

It's really nice to see you getting it all sorted EM. I could tell (pics) that you needed the space. Treadmills are useless too.Who the heck wants to use electricity to walk on a machine when the world is such a beautiful place. Sooo I have been thinking a lot about the breeding and more importantly how important it is that you make some badass strains and let me try them. :smoking:
Nice looking place you got there. Chop the drywall, replace with green board. 2 coats of zinzer and a layer of Mylar. 20-30 autocobs and some 7 gallon pots. Lol. Justfukinwitcha.

It's really nice to see you getting it all sorted EM. I could tell (pics) that you needed the space. Treadmills are useless too.Who the heck wants to use electricity to walk on a machine when the world is such a beautiful place. Sooo I have been thinking a lot about the breeding and more importantly how important it is that you make some badass strains and let me try them. :smoking:

On your first line I wish, if it was my place it would have been done from the get go. I'm surprised I was just given this much space period.

The breeding is going well so far. I have my first two seedlings going from the first cross, hoping one is a girl, if it's an auto too then a plus :) (Satori X Chemdogging)= Doggie Dreams


They're loving the coco, the feeds with my nutes, and growing fast not even a week old yet I don't think or right around there would have to look back in the thread. Fastest seeds I have ever had sprout tap root in a cup of water and into medium and out in less than 48 hours :drool: Not a bad sign at all especially on such fresh seeds. You're suppose to let them sit for a few weeks before popping any for higher germ rate lol.The seeds for strain [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] are hanging with the girl I just chopped that is (Satori X Narcotic Kush)= Dream Haze.

Then here's the male on beast mode this guy was a runt compared to his brother but I saw the potential, internodal space SMELL, he has responded so well to defoliation and topping glad I chose him over the other lanky dude


His pollen will be all over everything in the veg tent, except an auto fem Doggie Dreams.........or maybe not................LOL.............. I'm addicted to breeding man it's a sickness and I can't wait to have the 5x9 up and start pheno hunting my own strains...........

I'm chilling right now except for this GG#4 it's not as "healthy" looking to me as the rest of the plants. Same light soil water feed tryingg to figure it out or I will chop it down. I'd rather have the space of two sick #3's to run through more of my own seeds in #1's............I think it's a cal mag issue but we will see. I'm working on it, the one girl looks worse than the other with the DEEP red stems and plastic feeling leaves.......but she looks hungry on new growth so I do not think it's a toxicity........aside from this so far the transition to Tupur has been much better than I expected. I am seeing hydro style growth but in a medium like soil. I like it. I also have a much better understanding of growing from a good amount of time doing no till organic and now using nutes again. So I have the personal bar set high going forward the way things are looking.


Ok I think I ranted enough tonight got a nice high going after a lot of work tonight moving stuff out of there. But I am VERY excited for things to come. Leave it to me to always like the stuff no one else likes to do lol......(breeding)

Ok garden update today. So I went to my local fun shop and bought some Botanicare Cal-Mag Plus. I'm tired of messing with 2-3 things on hand trying to fix the GG#4 and green up my plants so hopefully this does the trick. Got a gallon as I will be needing it going forward regardless.

The one GG#4 girl that was worse got another feed and water today to start introducing the cal mag plus to her. Today's Water/Feed was Ionic grow 4tsp/gal, and the Cal-Mag + 3ml/gallon. PH was 6.1 today. The Bigger GG#4, the Purple Envy Seedling, and the entire QB tent got the same water and feed today. Let's see how it goes. I think some of the GG#4 issue might be the PH before being higher at 6.4 which is where Nectar for the Gods recommends the PH be for their Calcium supplement. So hoping I got it figured out, the green is spreading up the stems (s) and she's looking better before the calmag so let's see. I REALLY want to grow her out and breed her but we will see. Not going to waste too much time on it. I'm doing my part she can get with the program like all her sisters or get chopped lol :bigjoint:

Veg closet:


Here's the (2) Doggie Dreams, the Blue Harley @GroErr , and the Purple Envy seedlings closer in, the Purple Envy greened right up she's on point now:


Next up here's the QB Flower Tent, The Sky Walkers are on beast mode and the (2) Auto Pounder babies look good to me, Weedy the Gnome is holding it down 100%:


Shot of the Male Satori under two AutoCob's in the other tent, the other (2) lights are off as I am drying the Narcotic Kush in here with a tarp in between the two sides:


And last but not least today I ran through another batch of the chemdogging that's in the (2) gallon bucket with the Boveda pack curing, got some more buds trimmed up and seeds harvested. So far have 1.5 oz of bud and a TON of seeds, this doesn't include trim/larf etc. Some of my best looking weed to date and VERY potent, can't wait to see what her kids produce


And my treat for tonight, some VERY clean hash from the finger tips from the Chemdogging:


Thanks for checking in
Ok guys over night garden update.

I need to start here, took a small bottom nug from one of the Narcotic Kush branches. This stuff is STRONG, I do not know if it's genetics I am using getting better every grow or what but each plant is looking better, getting stronger, and drying more to my liking here now at the new spot. The different geographical location in itself has had a learning curve and it won't be over until I spend an entire year here at least and grow through all the seasons. This was my first time smoking something high in CBD and THC and I'm in love. Remember guys not trying to show off a prize nug here lol this is the bottom nug on the smallest stem but I think it looks good and it definitely hit nice in the bong. No seeds on these:


That plant was grown under the auto cobs. I continue to get crazy frost with the LED's. Here's a shot of the male, this guy is just a stud man and dying to flower lol. Gonna have to take him down soon we will see........


Here's a look at the Sky Walkers and the Auto Pounder seedlings in the QB tent, Weedy the gnome doing a great job in there IMO!

Peek in at the veg closet, the GG#4 girls seem to be springing back better I think we are on our way to recovery, everyone else is looking good as well. The Purple Envy and Blue Harley seedlings were both topped tonight:


Doggie Dreams [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] & [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]:


Blue Harley:


Purple envy:


Tester Satori Male Clone:


Everything tonight was fed and watered, and everything got sprayed down with Method 1pps which is my IPM. Feed was Ionic Grow@ 4tsp/gallon, Cal-Mag+ @ 3ml/gal, Ful-Power @ 20ml/gal, and Hydroguard @ 2ml/gallon. EC was 1.8 (Ionics recommendation) and PH was 6.0. As I stated before I topped the Purple Envy and the Blue Harley. The Sky Walkers are not ready yet nor are the Doggie Dreams. But once the fourth node is starting and the third is solid they will get topped as well. I like to top all of my plants once and then defoliate as necessary. Sometimes situations call for more or less but this is what I prefer as I feel you get a good mix of yield increase but still get a good look at the genetics. Just my opinion anyways. I top everything too even my autos. I am not here to argue with anyone about topping autos or not or running them period. However if someone wants to discuss any of this I am all for a "discussion". I have shown it to myself too many times that if done properly topping, defoliating and transplanting auto's does nothing to hurt your yields.

I'm getting excited and nervous all at once. There will be a lot going on soon, anxiously awaiting to get my old gear back and move forward, and very satisfied with how the garden is right now. The try at Tupur has not been as bad as I expected. And I am liking having more control over what the plant is doing with the nutes again vs the organics where you can have input as well but I find it not to be as drastic. This is feeling to me like hydro type growth but in a solid medium.

Cheers and thanks for checking in sorry for all the rambling, stoned off the Narcotic Kush, after a nice sesh at my friends house with two of my strains and my finger hash. Nothing better than sharing the fruits of your labor with a good bud and everyone having a good time.
No pics tonight guys (Boooo I know, I know). I fed and watered EVERYONE tonight. They all got the same feed. Ionic grow @ 4tsp/gallon, I upped the Cal-Mag + to @4ml/gallon to see what happens still a few girls a little pale doesn't come through well in the pics, and Hydroguard @ 2ml/gal. As the plants get bigger and roots fill in the pots I can start to see the multiple feeds a day with this Tupur. I never experienced this when I ran my own coco mix in the past which was a re hydrated bale of coco then mixed 70/30 with perlite. I did not have plant issues then but it was nothing like the Tupur has been. I am really liking the Tupur but it's not cheap.

I topped both of my Doggie Dreams tonight they were ready. Crazy to me how fast and healthy they are growing.

Both of my Sweet Black Angel clones were defoliated tonight as well. It was about that time she is growing much more tight on the nodes and squat under the QB than the COB's...........

I also sprayed everyone down with method 1 pps.

Very happy with the Tupur, the nutes, and my plants right now. Hope the Blue Harley and one of my doggie Dreams is a Girl, fingers crossed. The plants are all looking good to me and the GG#4 seems to be snapping out of her funk since the addition of the cal -mag and adjusting the feeds higher to label recommendations I had started much lower to be safe.

Smoked more of my Narcoitc Kush tonight, as well as the Deep Blue C I grew in hydro. It was all excellent. These are by far my two strongest strains so far, with the chemdogging a very close third. We pressed some rosin out of some of the Hydro DBC and OMFG what a delicious (and STRONG) dab. Just wow. It produces decent and is out of this world on quality. The Narcotic Kush is just a knock out and I'm stuffing lower larfy stuff into the bong it's not even done drying and curing and primo nugs but out of this world smoke.

I'm debating running the (2) Auto Pounders in DWC buckets for this run as I like the way my DBC came out in hydro and her colors too, any thoughts? Need to up pot them soon............

Thanks for checking in
Ok guys really exhausted here tonight lots of pain too came home yesterday from ER damn kidney stones again not fun lol.

Anyhow, I already posted on the results of the Chemdogging in my Growing Adventures link, couldn't be any happier there. Also really starting to like this Tupur. I have been pushing the girls with feeds every watering and watering twice a day last two days but giving them a chance to dry good this time to see what happens. I will be 1-2 times a day for sure as this run goes forward.

So next order of business. Since the chemdogging was packaged up, the Narcotic Kush came down from the hangers and went into the two gallon bucket with the Boveda pack to start the cure. Test nugs have been fire smoke. This plant almost filled the bucket to the top too like the CD, so let's see how yield is later on not ready yet for weigh in. Will need to take seeds from her too.


This let me open up the COB tent and turn the other 2 COB's on again. The male was in heaven with the extra space, this guy is just a BEAST lol.......


And last but not least at all, the veg closet. The GG#4 girls have almost completely snapped out of their little funk. Upping the feed and adding the Cal-Mag+ has worked to perfection for them and I am not burning the other girls so keeps it easy one mix for everyone. The SBA girls are bushing back up nicely after their defoliation. And the seedlings, well I will just let the pic talk there. I will just add that my (2) Doggie Dreams seedlings, are my stinkiest plants to date at such a young age, crazy stuff has me excited hoping for (1) girl from the 2. I am considering flowering out the (2) GG#4 girls in the Auto Cob tent.......we will see how it goes.............the tester clone of the male is still kicking too I think it might work and he might root for me.........


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