my experience with Alibongo
I got a freebie for my order from alibongo, labeled cut price autos (does just means autos that their prices have been discounted as I can not find any info on cut price autos) I got a few Auto Purple (anyone know
If that's pyramids Auto Purple or what?) also got
One bean labeled auto ak and have no idea from whom.... Love my Affy's so will be popping that one first I think

had a few lowlyfe auto ak47s before but they never grew

would love to try a ak
If you do a search on their site for "Cut Price Fems" you will see that they sell a few strains under that name. i don't know if it's a seed company, or just their name for wherever these seeds come from, but they have: Auto AK, Mama Mia, Nemesis, Original Skunk #1, and White Widow. they are listed as single seeds, but if you click on one and go to the bottom of the listing, there's a drop-down bar where you can select 1 seed, a 5 pack, or a 10 pack.
(Preface - I'm a bit of a seed hoarder) (also, i live in the southwest US, just for reference)
I have been very pleased with Alibongo.
I have placed about 10 orders from them for all sorts of items, and all have included successful seed orders. I have paid the extra money to ensure successful delivery of my seeds by buying other things from their shop to help hide and protect the seeds. I've bought a lot of tapestries, they are great for ensuring that seeds, pipes, etc. are padded and protected during shipping. I've also gotten a pollen press, a fake book with a safe inside, bubble bags, screens...
So far I have not had any broken items or seeds.
All seeds (except freebies) have come in original breeder packaging.
Most of the prices have been lower than i've seen on other seed banks.
All of my orders have arrived quickly, with all items included.
Only one time in the 10 or so orders that I've placed was something out of stock, and they informed me the next day by email and offered any equivalent replacement. this replacement took a little while (which was fine with me) and in the meantime i also placed another order. they ended up packaging the two orders together and sending it as one (which was also fine with me). this was the only time i got shorted on freebies, as they only included 1 group of freebies in this one package, instead of if it would have been two. but, i didn't really care that much, and was just excited for all the other awesome strains i just got! (after all, they were freebies, and don't most places usually have a disclaimer about "all free offers can be revoked at any time" kinda thing?) I sent them a polite email thanking them for the notification and service with my replacements for the out of stock items, and i think i mentioned something about the freebies, but that it was really no big deal. well.. about a week later i got a surprise package in the mail, and what's inside? a 5 pack of Afghan Kush Ryder from Alibongo!
I have ordered from them since, and everything was Shiny.
I'm about to place another order, as I see they have recently listed some strains that i've had my eyes out for...