New Grower Aksteel First ever Grow

awesome looking grow there steel, good work:kusht:
what sort of height and girth do you have there?
cheers buddy

The moonstones are 13 inches tall and 20 inches tall. Probably 16 inches wide on both of them at the bottom foliage. The YDB is 36 inches tall and 23 inches across at its widest point.
The moonstones are 13 inches tall and 20 inches tall. Probably 16 inches wide on both of them at the bottom foliage. The YDB is 36 inches tall and 23 inches across at its widest point.
Sweet as fuck man, you gotta be happy with that, especially for your first grow, keep it up, you're obviously doing it all right there buddy:slap:
Pics in the tent. Day 60/50

Mrs. Steel sent more pics today. Looks like the girls are starting to fill out. I think we will feed bloom nuts for 10 more days and then start the 10 day flush on the Moonstones. I am not sure how long we will go on the Y.D.B. We'll just have to see what she is doing in ten days. The Yoda is also starting to stack up nicely. Starting to get anxious for our first harvest. Super excited. Now for some under the light tent pics.

Moonstone #1 Day 60

Moonstone #2 Day 60

Yoda's Dragons Breath Day 50

I hope you all enjoy :Drag-On: