New Grower Aksteel First ever Grow

Y.D.B. Update Day 35

I am really enjoying this plant. I love the tall open structure, very long branches with not to many leaves. I am beginning to get a lot of Bud sites all along each branch so I am super excited to see what she is going to do over the next few weeks.
I also got a new tent just for her. I have her in a 2x2.5x7 foot gorilla tent with a MARS II 400w LED and carbon scrubber and she seems to liked it. I flushed her on day 30 just to get rid of the salt build up in the soil and she has grow another 5 inches since then. As of now she is 27" tall and still growing. I will continue to monitor the stretch and switch to bloom nutes as soon as she is finished. oh, this plant was FIMed 2 weeks ago and it didn't even slow her down.
Thanks Yoda for putting out this gear for the rest of us to play with. I am having a blast. And thank you Faded for your awesome journals and for not following the rules. Who says you can't fim auto's.....:thank:
Gonna try and post some big pics since I am home and on a computer instead of my phone.




Bad pics but you get the idea....
Looks good man. Quick question.. Where's the leaves? That oughta be easy trimmin:)
Looks good man. Quick question.. Where's the leaves? That oughta be easy trimmin:)

Every Y.D.B that I have seen so far has had this kind of structure. Very open spacing between branches and leaves, but at every juncture there are flowers starting to form and with as open as it is they all get a lot of light. I am super curious what this will mean for flower growth, density, and yield. I believe due to fimming her it has made all the branches almost the same height. Of course after seeing what Faded did with his Y.D.B. that was the plan and it seems to have worked.
Your right ak. Thats why they are all same length.killer job bro.
Your right ak. Thats why they are all same length.killer job bro.

Just dropped a Fast-N-Vast and Black Stone. They will both be Fimmed. I think you may have created a cult following Faded...:devil:But ya know what...It WORKS...:xlaugh:
hahaha. I don't know about no cult brother. in my opinion I would just say its more efficient. less work, no tieing down and risking breaking shoots and main stems. people call it high stress training but I think a split stalk would stunt more than just cutting off a lil piece the size of matchstick head. call me crazy but lst is not for me.lmao
Moonstones Day 45

Update Day 45

The moonstones are doing well and starting to flower more. Also starting to get some trichome production on the shorter #2 plant. I am loving the smell of these plants. I can't smoke or use cannabis but I sure am loving the sweet smell of these girls. It's a bummer that I had to install a carbon scrubber.
Well, here are some pics. Hope you all enjoy.
#1 Plant



#2 plant



Someday I will improve my photography.....:cool: