Indoor Airpots & Watering -- How do you water your airpots ?

and for the next cat skinning....ok i do this guys. i fill it with my soil very dry and loose and by the way my mix is 50% perlite. the root explode thru it, but back to the pot. i fill it with dry mix all the way to they top, and then i pick it up and bounce it on the ground to shake the soil into the egg carten looking sides and then i top off the pot and do it again. when it is full i water it with my can and 2 gallons of water with molasses in it. then i let it dry out one time, or close but not to kill my bacteria i grew with the molasses. hope it helps again guys. i like how these and all pots fill with dry soil. you cant over pack it when its dry i promise. and roots love unpacked soiless medias..... when it is watered it will always drop more and need topped of, but i dont till i plant the plant .......cb420
Hey-Thanks CB. That's what I wanted to hear. Yup and I always use molasses:thumbs:
Hey CB,

I am actualy intrigued wit ur mollases technique to grow mor bacteria...

Sounds like it makes sense, mite luk in2 it a bit more....

Hav u heard of mycorhizal fungy ?
Its a fungus that attaches it self to the plants roots nd helps the plant wit nutrient nd water absorbsittion
Non harmfull to the plant
and my plants closest to finished on afn are my mdanzig sour spyder complete grow, if you are interested in my results. i hate to take advice with now knowledge of who is giving it. i hope to see you all there......cb420
I've been using Airpots for years now.
I use an old camelback hydration reservoir to water my plants.
Easy to control the flow as well, I know I'm watering/feeding 2 liters at a time.
Airpots will teach you one thing...Patience
Your plants will love you for choosing Airpots.
Good luck with your grow!
Hey CB,

I am actualy intrigued wit ur mollases technique to grow mor bacteria...

Sounds like it makes sense, mite luk in2 it a bit more....

Hav u heard of mycorhizal fungy ?
Its a fungus that attaches it self to the plants roots nd helps the plant wit nutrient nd water absorbsittion
Non harmfull to the plant
absolutly brother. i wouldnt grow a plant with out a ton in there....thats the army that protects your plant tooo...... actually this is the real deal... roots dont eat food and we never feed plants. the microbs in the soil act like the enzymes in your stomach and they break down the food and give the plants something they can eat..........our little mama birds. for real friend, old people in the farming community i am from say you feed the soil not the plant. hope that helps , .....are those the ones you were speaking of friend.?......cb420
i use a brand called extreme gardening at a rate of 1 tbs per planting hole and the molasses feeds them by my understanding and the molasses has a ton of micro nutes and -p-...cb420
black-strap being the highest amount of micro-nutes and sugar-beet molasses is a very close second.....cb420
I use molasses in every watering I do. I just warm a couple of cups of the water I'm going to use in the microwave and dissolve the molasses in that and then mix in the rest of the water. I can understand why the plants and compost like it. I like the stuff myself. I could easily eat a bowl of it just a finger dip at a time:peace:
I've been using Airpots for years now.
I use an old camelback hydration reservoir to water my plants.
Easy to control the flow as well, I know I'm watering/feeding 2 liters at a time.
Airpots will teach you one thing...Patience
Your plants will love you for choosing Airpots.
Good luck with your grow!

Hey Ronin,

camelback hydration reservoir ?!? Did you make that name up LOL :stylez rasta smoke:

Only jokin, sounds interesting, reason for this thread if to help me & other growers and newbies who might be having trouble.... so far we starting to get a good number of different techniques....

The overall consensus so far seems to be slow and steady does the job with airpots....... :gthumb:

Cheers for pushn some luck my way, can always use some of that Hop digity
absolutly brother. i wouldnt grow a plant with out a ton in there....thats the army that protects your plant tooo...... actually this is the real deal... roots dont eat food and we never feed plants. the microbs in the soil act like the enzymes in your stomach and they break down the food and give the plants something they can eat..........our little mama birds. for real friend, old people in the farming community i am from say you feed the soil not the plant. hope that helps , .....are those the ones you were speaking of friend.?......cb420

Hey CB,

I use biobizz grow and from talking to those guys there is a large amount sugar beet molasses in that stuff... is is serious thick stuff, reminds me of thick bleach but brown.... or bad dose the shits after weekend of partyn... :smokebuds:

You caught my interest more with adding some molasses before plants go inn to have max microbes present in soil, which biobizz kept telling is extremely important for good working soil.... :gthumb:

It would be better to add some molasses to boost soil before plants go inn, with no NPK i can see how its help with young plants to avoid nutrient shock but have the soil working at best capacity....

Mycorhizal Fungi are a latest craze in gardening after there was a break through discovery by some dudes (Scientists) that the fungus is not actualy leeching of the plants and rather they have a simbiotic relationship ....
The fungus spreads much further than the plants roots ever could and helps in absorption of nutrients and water..... could be great benefit for outdoor growers.. not sure about indoor but could always be tested....

I seen ye can buy them ready to use in garden centre or combined with stuff like bonemeal....

Here is a link if interested to know more....