New Grower Air stone

Mar 10, 2015
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What's up all my fellow gardeners I saw awhile back an air stone that didn't need an air pump and was better then your typical air stone does anyone know what I'm talking bout can't member the name ::bong :ripped
Justin don't be a dick, he was asking a question and if you come in laughing at peoples questions, no matter how they may sound to you, then maybe just don't reply?

Hey Man I have never heard of this, but do a search and come back let us know how you get on bro.
I can't find any info cause I can't member the name of it but it was ran on electric nodes r sum thin it caused all the water to turn murky with air bubbles in the entire container
I don't know how a stone without a pump would work. There has to be some sort of pressure to push the air in, too much water pressure on the stone for something like a pure air siphon system to work. But...stranger things have happened.

I did find a video with a DIY system to push some air in with kind of a reverse gravity bong using water to push air through the stone:

Seasickdee2 I wish I membered where I seen it was flat and black wasn't really a stone