Indoor Afghan Kush Ryder / Pakistan Ryder / Blue Himalaya

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Hello everyone!!
Short story before I start off with my grow log. :) Out of the blue I get a call from a hiring person asking if I would be available for a interview the next day. So I said sure I would come in and she gave me the whole pre-employement jargon. She mentioned if a background check and drug test would be a problem so naturally I said "No" then proceeded to freak out after I get off the phone.
Well, long story short there were some problems back at home which caused me to smoke up a storm the day before. So I found out it was a Swab test. I figured I would fail, which one one hand isnt so bad because my shift starts at 3 in the morning :( but on the other hand I would be missing out on a paycheck. Times a tight. So she swabs me and we wait right there in the room for the results to come back and they came back NEGATIVE!!
Altoids, Brushing my teeth like mad, ACT Total Care Mouthwash, half water/half hydrogen peroxide. CLEAN.

After that victory yesterday morning, I was stoked to get back home and smoke a victory blunt. And I knew I had some seeds coming that I was excited to get so its been a good couple days (minus the problems at home).


I ordered World of Seeds Afhgan Kush Ryder and Pakistan Ryder. Also Short Stuff Blue Himalaya caught my eye and I thought what the hell.
The Freebee was a G13 Labs Purple Haze Fem, So Im going to add that to my collection along with NL x BigBud medical strain and Afghan Delicious Fems.
Placed the order on the 22nd, received on the 28th. Stealth Shipping to the Mid-west, 6 days. Not bad attitude! And I love the T-Shirt! DNA Genetics! Reminds me of my favorite bands album covers. Try and guess whos my favorite band now :) :) :)

Going to be growing in 8 3/4' pots
All CFL's, With FF Trio Nutes & pH balanced water. Ands lots of love :)

So lets start growing! Hope everyone enjoys!


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I just ordered some of the Afghan Kush Ryders too! I ordered from attitude, is that where you ordered?

nice! i cant wait for these ones to pop!
Yep, ive only ordered from attitude and so far theyve come through every single time. They have some pretty good promos too that i like to take advantage of. I wish i took advantage of the dinafem promo they had going on. I think it was like buy 1 get 1 free or something. But im defiantly going to be ordering from their January promo :)
yea i noticed the jan promo the day after i ordered but gonna make another to get the freebees if i can, cant beat 7 fems
Hey man, I'll be following! I am starting my micro grow for the afghan kush ryder and maybe even pakistan kush ryder as well soon.. I am waiting for the Jan 6 promo as well haha.. I am still collecting the equipment but I should be good to start building in the new year (Im home for Winter break and I will be growing when I move back into the city that I go to university at)

I would love to have a grow buddy! Check out my grow log if ur interested :)

Have a good one!